75 Amazing Self-love Affirmations for Increasing Your Self-esteem


When you’re feeling low, you may encounter negative self-talk. These negative thoughts can make us feel like we’re not good enough. It affects our mood, confidence and negative outlook in life — in turn affecting our relationships, careers and personal life.

But you know what you can do? Turn these negative self-doubts into something more positive. That’s why positive affirmations exist.

What Are These So-called Affirmations?

Technically positive statements that challenge your self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. It pressures you to be at your fullest potential and achieve your greatest goals. When you are saying aloud these affirmations over and over again, you will start to believe them and as a result, make favourable changes.

While it may seem like you’re lying to yourself, you have to look at it this way:

It reprograms your mental mind and patterns through repetition. With that, you will start to think and perform differently, altering your behaviours and beliefs.

Take exercising for example. As you start putting in work, your body will change.

Now that you know what affirmations are, it’s time to start taking action and putting your best potential forward. I share with you how you can practise these and list 75 self-love affirmations for you to pick from.

How to Use These Self-love Affirmations

This is not a “read once and be done with it” kind of thing. You will need to repeat these daily. Here’s how:

  • Come up with your self-love affirmations or pick your favourites from the list below.
  • Say it out loud or in your mind. Importantly: feel it in your heart as you say it.
  • Now repeat the process daily and at any time of the day. How many times you repeat it, depends on you. You can start with 3–5 times a day and decrease or increase it. As long as it takes until you start believing it.

Positive affirmations like these are effective when you’re in a higher vibration or goal-planning. I will make a future post-in-depth on how you can increase your vibration but as of now, you can start by meditating, journaling, playing your upbeat music or doing something that makes you happy.

So what if you forget to repeat these affirmations? There are so many ways you can be reminded of them, even if you’re not saying it out loud. Such as…

  • Use affirmation apps (that include “widgets” or/and notifications). I have a free affirmation app called “I Am” (on Apple or Android). I place these widgets on my lock screen and home screen. Every time I open my phone, it changes positive affirmations.
  • Use the “notification” feature on your phone. You can think outside the box for this. For example, if you use Google Calendar often, you can spread out these self-love affirmations in your calendar and set times when these notifications pop up.
  • Use sticky notes and place them in locations you often go. Personally, I have these affirmations attached to my mirror and computer monitor.
  • Add them to your planners or journals. You can add these self-love affirmations to your notebook entries or your covers. Some planners already come with affirmations attached to the spreaders.
  • Vision boards — I have quotes on my physical vision board. You can create a digital version on an app like Procreate or Canva. Then add them to your lock screen wallpaper. You can also start a Pinterest account and create your own private board filled with inspirations and quotes. Or you can be fancy with a physical vision board. All you need is a corkboard, a printer, scissors and some pins.

Now that you have an idea of how you can use your self-love affirmations, it’s time to start finding some! Check the list below.

Self-love Affirmations (to Increase Self-esteem)

  1. I am really talented! I am so unique and rare, that people need my expertise.
  2. I am worthy and I am loved.
  3. I am confident because I am valuable.
  4. I am a high-priority value.
  5. I am glowing!
  6. I am in charge of my own decisions and emotions.
  7. I am not a failure, I am a success in progress.
  8. I have everything I need to face any obstacles that come.
  9. I am the most important person in my life.
  10. I make good boundaries for myself.
  11. I respect and take good care of myself.
  12. I am grateful for my awesome life.
  13. I am gorgeous, intelligent and smart.
  14. I am the designer of my own life.
  15. Every day I appreciate myself more and more.
  16. I am becoming better than my past self.
  17. I do not need validation from anyone.
  18. I am lovable because I am enough.
  19. I can let go of old, negative beliefs that have stood in the way of my success.
  20. I trust my intuition and I always make wise decisions in life.
  21. I am allowed to make mistakes, I do not need to be perfect.
  22. I am proud of all my achievements (no matter big or small).
  23. Loving myself works miracles in my life.
  24. I believe in my capabilities.
  25. I am gentle, kind and patient with myself.
  26. I am proud of my authentic self and my flaws.
  27. I live my life honestly and authentically.
  28. I take all my decisions from a place of empowerment.
  29. Everything I do, no matter if it’s a failure or a success, will lead me to where I need to be.
  30. I will connect with others, be open and express my feelings.
  31. My past doesn’t define my future; every day is a fresh start with a new beginning to make my own.
  32. My thoughts, opinions and beliefs are my own.
  33. I am a valuable person with important contributions to make.
  34. I am “that girl”.
  35. I am grateful for my body, my health and my unique talents.
  36. I choose happiness, health, love and joy.
  37. I am living to my fullest potential.
  38. My strength comes from within.
  39. I like who I am and who I am becoming.
  40. I am loved and accepted exactly as I am.
  41. I am complete because I am whole.
  42. I am supported in all I do in life.
  43. I create opportunity and happiness wherever I go.
  44. I am deserving of all great things!
  45. I choose to feel good about myself.
  46. I invest my time and energy where it feels right for me.
  47. I speak my authenticity.
  48. It is always safe for me to shine the light of my highest self into the world.
  49. I love myself for who I am.
  50. I have the power to create all the success and prosperity I deserve.
  51. I am focused on my goals and feel passionate about my work.
  52. My contributions are valued and appreciated.
  53. My life gets more fabulous every day.
  54. I will attract great things by being my most authentic self.
  55. I own my power and I take up the space that I deserve.
  56. I am willing to see my own beauty and uniqueness.
  57. I am brave, bold and beautiful.
  58. I deserve everything good that comes to me.
  59. I am really beautiful from the inside and out.
  60. I am the only person who can decide who I am, who I become and where I go from here.
  61. I am good enough just as I am.
  62. I forgive myself and others.
  63. It is my divine right to accept and believe in myself.
  64. I attract wonderful things into my life.
  65. My imperfections make me unique and special.
  66. My life is levelling up and I’m able to experience something completely new.
  67. The more I love myself, the more I become my highest self.
  68. I accept and love myself unconditionally.
  69. I love the person I am becoming.
  70. I can have everything that I want in life.
  71. My gifts are needed in this world. There is space for my talent.
  72. I am in control of my thoughts, feelings and choices.
  73. I am committed to my path, with or without others.
  74. I love myself!
  75. I have proven again and again that I am amazing and capable of far more than I realise.
75 Amazing Self-love Affirmations for Increasing Your Self-esteem


What is your favourite self-love affirmation from the list? Let me know in the comments or on Twitter.

I hope in a few weeks, you try out these affirmations that will help you on your journey and bring out your fullest potential. Believe me, it changed my mindset when I first found out about them.

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Ellen | EKT Creatives - Spiritual Business Girlie

Hey, girlies! I help business owners attract abundance and prosperity into their lives. Talk about productivity and time management! ✨