How To Increase Your High Vibration (Part 2)


Continuing from my last post on “how to increase your high vibration”, if you haven’t checked out part 1, I suggest you read that one first and then come back here.

If you’re looking for ways to increase your vibration, then you’re on the right post. Not all of these tips will succeed for everyone so it’s best to experiment and see what works and what doesn’t work.

Now let’s continue onto part 2 where I share more ways to increase your high vibration.

How To Increase Your High Vibration (Part 2)
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash


It doesn’t mean hitting the GYM and spending 1-hour weightlifting or running on the treadmills (I mean, you could do that. I’m not stopping you). You can use exercise in any form that you enjoy as long as you’re moving your body around.

Physical activity has many great benefits such as:

  • Strengthen bones and muscles.
  • Decrease the risk of disease.
  • Reduce depression.
  • Boost your brain health.
  • Help control your weight.
  • Enhance your ability to do everyday activities.
  • Reduces anxiety (it decreases the activities of hormones like adrenalin and cortisol — the two that contribute to feelings of anxiety and tension).

In Dr Julie Smith’s book, “Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?”, she states that

Exercise leads to higher circulating levels of dopamine as well as more available dopamine receptors in the brain.


It increases your capacity for pleasure and joy in everyday life.

For me, I love to do 30-minutes of walking — whether that be walking in my backyard, walking around the neighbourhood or (my personal favourite) walking when I’m out shopping. I can use this time to catch up on reading or social media (it’s a win-win!)

So what are you waiting for? Make exercise enjoyable for you. Here are a few ideas you can try out:

  • Put on your favourite music and dance around.
  • Play fitness or dance video games (such as Just Dance, Ring Fit Adventure, Nintendo Switch Sports, etc.)
  • Try out a new choreography (you can find loads of tutorials on YouTube).
  • Join local dance classes (Zomba anyone? You can also attend a beginner-friendly choreography class).
  • Have pets? Take them for a walk.
  • Try bike riding or swimming.
  • Go out on an adventure and hike at a new destination.

There are plenty of ways you can install exercise into your routine and make them fun!

Check-in with Your Chakras

What the heck is “chakras” you might be thinking?

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel”. It refers to the energy centres in your body. The wheel of spinning energy correlates with particular nerves and major organs.

You have seven main chakras that start from the root base of your spine and continue to the top of your head (which is your “crown”). The 7 chakras are:

  • Root
  • Sacral
  • Solar Plexus
  • Heart
  • Throat
  • Crown

Root Chakra

Also known as “Muladhara” and is located at the base of your spine. Its main colour is red and relates to the element earth.

It is responsible for your feeling of stability and security. This includes your basic needs of survival: shelter, food, safety, comfort and belonging. It helps you feel grounded in life and confront life’s many challenges.

Sacral Chakra

Is known as “Svadhisthana” and is located below your belly button. Its main colour is orange and relates to the element water.

It is accountable for your sexuality, relationships, creative energy and pleasures of life. It is connected to your emotions and the emotions of others.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Is known as “Manipura” and is located in your stomach area. Its main colour is yellow and connects with the element fire.

Responsible for your self-esteem, confidence, self-worth and personal power. It helps you feel in control of your life.

Heart Chakra

Is known as “Anahata” and is located near your heart. Its colour is green and is associated with the element air.

It is accountable for your ability to show compassion, love (including self-love and self-acceptance), forgiveness and spirituality. It focuses on the balance of the masculine and feminine sides of yourself.

Throat Chakra

Is known as “Vishuddha” and is located in your throat. Its colour is blue and is related to the element of sound.

This chakra shows how you’re able to communicate verbally, speak your truth, listen and be heard. It is the communication centre for your voice and your creative self-expression.

The Third Eye Chakra

Is known as “Ajna” and is located between your eyes. Its colour is indigo and is associated with the element light.

It is responsible for your imagination, visualisation, intuition and strong gut instinct. It also examines your sense of purpose in life, self-reflection along with judgement and trust in your intuition.

Crown Chakra

Lastly on the list is your crown chakra. It is known as “Sahasrara” and is located at the very top of your head. Its colour is violet and relates to the element of thought.

Its main concern is your life’s purpose, beliefs, divine consciousness and spiritual connection to yourself, others as well as the universe. The brain functions and central nervous system are linked to your crown chakra.

You can look into your sun astrology and see which certain chakras match your sign. For example, I’m a Leo (sun sign) and my main chakra is the “Solar Plexus”. What’s your chakra?

Food & Water

Does your energy feel low every time you eat junk food like Mcdonald’s? (I know I do). The next time you’re eating your next meal, try and notice your feelings and energy.

Foods that are consumed in chemicals, pesticides, processed or found within plastic packaging will cause you to be in a low vibrational state. You may feel heavy, tired or bloated.

You can try establishing a healthy and nutritional balance in your meals. Foods that come from the earth and are nourishing for your body and mind. Things like:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits
  • Grains
  • Low-fat, lean-cut meats
  • Dairy substitutes (like skim milk, fat-free cheese, non-fat yoghurt, etc.)

Oh, and I didn’t forget. Stay hydrated with water! Your body is made up of water (you are what you eat right?). If you’re dehydrated, your body will not have the energy to function properly.

Build Healthy Connections

We as humans are social creatures. Spending time with loved ones that support you can lower stress, raise your vibes and live a longer and healthier life.

Try to find relationships that affiliate with your values, beliefs, personal interests and vision. You can look into relationships that impact brain-stimulating discussions and make you feel a sense of belonging and self-worth.

While I know it’s challenging to find communities that align with your values and interest, I have to suggest that I found a majority of my awesome friends through gaming (my hobby) and social platforms (like Reddit, Facebook groups, Instagram, etc). Even go out of your comfort zone by joining in-person clubs and attending events near you.

Consume Good-Vibe Media

What is a movie or tv-show that makes you laugh? Choose to watch films, shows, books and music that makes you authentically happy. For example, I love watching a League of Legends YouTuber and Twitch streamer, RossBoomSocks because nearly all of his videos make me laugh (no matter if I’m upset or happy). Find something that helps you increase your vibes and then create a list of it so that you can refer back to it later.

You can work around low-vibe media that makes you feel negative and insecure. For example, in social media — you can simply unfollow, mute or block people (we all have freedom of choice after all).

Think Positive Thoughts

Do you automatically find yourself thinking negative thoughts often? Our thoughts do influence how we feel. On occasions, we can end up stumbling on “thinking traps” — the pattern of thoughts (typically negative) that are generally not true.

It is fine to have negative thoughts here and there (not everything will be sunshine and rainbow). However, if you are consistently anxious or pessimistic you might find that those situations will attract what you are thinking.

Here are some ways to help improve your thoughts and attract your glowing aura:

  • Practice gratitude.
  • List down all of your small and big achievements.
  • Journal: when you catch yourself thinking negatively write down the negative statements you are telling yourself. List down how you are feeling in the moment and tag it using the “thinking traps”.
  • Cross-sectional formula (also known as the “hot cross bun”): a tool used in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) that allows you to explore the links between situations, thoughts, emotions, behaviours and physical sensations. You can find the templates here.
  • Use positive affirmations: these are technical “I am” statements. Look within yourself and find your unique talents and qualities. You can find my post here to get affirmation ideas.

(Bonus) Music

In addition to everything else, music has been a big mood improvement for me. When I’m feeling down, I always hop onto Spotify and play some uplifting “feel-good” music (my top two being Sunshine Blv’s “Ocean Blue” and Hoku’s “Perfect Day”. What’s your feel-good song whenever you’re feeling down?).

There are many benefits to music such as:

  • Releasing stress.
  • Increase your mood.
  • Lowers blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Reduces symptoms of depression.
  • Manage and eases pain.
  • Boost productivity.
  • Encourage memories.

As mentioned in the “meditation” section, you can also listen to high-vibration music (aka “binaural beats”) that has a frequency of 432 Hz, 528 Hz or 963 Hz. The extra bonuses include:

  • Decreasing anxiety.
  • Boost relaxation.
  • Improve focus and concentration.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Increase your moods.
  • Increase creativity.
  • Help control pain.


Try out these tips and see which one will help you increase your high-vibration frequency.

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Ellen | EKT Creatives - Spiritual Business Girlie

Hey, girlies! I help business owners attract abundance and prosperity into their lives. Talk about productivity and time management! ✨