950: Hive Board Game Cafe

Elle Oh
2 min readNov 13, 2023


Let me share with you my latest discovery — Hive Board Game Cafe. It’s the place to be for a professional like me, who’s always on the lookout for something offbeat to spark my creativity. And if you’re anything like me, you don’t settle for mediocrity when it comes to work or play.

So, how did I find this gem, you ask? Through the “Let’s work” app, of course.

The Hive Board Game Cafe is a sight to behold — cozy seating, hundreds of books lining the shelves, and an atmosphere buzzing with creativity. The co-working space has everything a professional needs, from high-speed internet to power outlets, but with a twist. You can choose from over 500 board games to play, and the Game Masters are always on hand to recommend new delights and guide you through the rules. Work and play in one go — check!

If you’re curious to try it out, Hive Board Game Cafe is located in GR-03 Onyx Tower 1, The Greens, SZR Dubai. I promise you won’t regret the visit.


