Pr Rage 2.0 Review - Find DELUXE $29K BONUS PACKS INSIDE! Pr Rage 2.0 Bonus

Pr Rage V2.0 Review

18 min readSep 21, 2020

PR Rage 2.0 helps you quickly Find — Flip — Monetize profitable domains with 1-click. Investing in domains can be challenging, finding the right domains with high value and low price — those hidden gems are everywhere, but not easy to find.

PR Rage 2.0 is a fully cloud-based system that helps you find high-value domains in seconds. These are the kind of domains that have just expired but carry a very high value.

There are businesses who are willing to pay a good amount of money every month to be able to use these domains and the backlinks that come with these. (These acklinks help them with SEO and rank their websites better)

The software is the fastest way for anyone, with no experience, to identify, research and purchase high value domains, that can be immediately flipped for a profit, rented out for a monthly income or built out to bring in revenue.

It’s a cloud based app, with a huge array of research api’s plugged in the back — to deliver information to our people in seconds. Enter a keyword (and get google prompts for additional related keywords). Hit go and see immediately domains that suit.

Researched with age, backlinks, traffic numbers, social signals, valuation and more. Shortlist any domains of interest. Set and forget mode — where PR Rage 2.0 will passively look for the domains that suit your profile and immediately alert you when one meets your criteria and becomes available.

Buyers will also get access to three exclusive training videos — with domaining professionals, talking specifics about how to make the business of domaining a profitable one.

There are people with no prior experience in domain flipping who bought a domain for as little as $32… and are now making $250 in pure rental income. And all this while… their investment is gaining more value. Very soon this $32 investment would turn into a 4–5 figure monthly portfolio.

PR Rage 2.0 turns the rocket-science of domain flipping into a simple process. It helps you Find — Flip — Monetize profitable domains in minutes. It comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and at a low introductory one-time price today… PR Rage 2.0 is a complete no-risk tiny investment.

Try it out and this will turn out to be the smartest investment you would have ever made. The passive income that you would be making… would be the easiest money you would ever make. SO don’t hesitate to check out the next parts of this PR Rage 2.0 Review as I’ll show you how powerful it is!

Pr Rage 2.0 Review


  • Become The Next Domain Multi-Millionaire
  • Find — Flip — Monetize Profitable Domains With 1-Click
  • No Prior Skills And Experience Required
  • Fully Cloud-Based. Access And Profit From Anywhere At Anytime
  • Build And Grow Your Virtual Real Estate (Domain) Portfolio To Skyrocket Profits
  • Become A Mega-Successful Domain Trader Overnight
  • Effortlessly Find Profitable Domains In Any Niche
  • Sell Domains For Massive Profits (Even 1000% Is Not A Long Shot)
  • Works For Everyone Who Can Point-N-Click
  • Build And Grow Your Domain Portfolio Completely Hands-Off


  • I have not found out any cons related effectiveness of this product yet.

Features of PR Rage 2.0

PR Rage 2.0 Has Been Created From Ground-Up To Make Domain Profits A Complete Beginner-Friendly System:

  • An Intuitive User-Friendly Dashboard

The User Interface of the dashboard is laid out in a way that makes running the system a breeze. Just enter your search term, select your parameters and hit go. That’s all it takes to get instant data on profitable domains.

Select the ones that you find most appealing and get started right away.

  • The GoDaddy Domain Marketplace At Your Fingertips

GoDaddy is the largest domain database in the WORLD. And trying to search them all would drive you crazy! But with PR Rage 2.0 you can find exactly what you need in GoDaddy’s domain auction database…instantly without any headache or hassle.

PR Rage 2.0 does all the heavy lifting for you and returns with potential winners as soon as you hit ‘enter’.

  • Build A Reserve List Of Domains

Never worry about losing the domains you’ve researched. Just click a single button and the domain you’re viewing will be added to a list that you can view at any time.

  • Get Detailed Information About Each Domain

With another click of a button, you can see even more details for the domain you’re interested in. This way you can make an informed decision before you buy.

Remember, the domain age, backlinks and all the other parameters help you maximize your profits.

  • See The Valuation of Domain Before You Buy

Want to know if the domain has any value before you purchase? No problem. Every single domain show in PR Rage 2.0 will also tell you if there’s a higher potential value before you spend one dime.

  • Powerful Filtering Options

You can also choose from a number of options to filter results the way you want them. This option lets you customize your search till your heart’s content.

  • Search By Domain Extension

These extensions are included: .com, .biz, .net. .co, .us, .uk, .info, .consulting, .best. Choose to search any single one of them with your keyword or all of them together at once!

  • Search By Domain Age

Only interested in domains that have a certain age length? No problem. You can search for any year or you can search for domains all the way up to 9 years of age.

  • Search Various Auction Types

Choose from buy now, make an offer, bid, offer with buy now, or search all options together at once. It’s your choice!

  • See The Traffic The Domain Is Getting

Now before you go ahead and invest a penny, PR Rage 2.0 shows you the kind of traffic that the domain has already pulled in. This helps you immensely when it comes to negotiating the right price in the market for your domain.

  • Find If A Domain Has Backlinks

The more the better. Backlinks help you rank your domain name better. Google simply loves backlinks. PR Rage 2.0 fetches available domain names for you without any hassles. Just click-n-go.

  • See Related Keywords For Your Domain

Know your options and prospective competition beforehand. PR Rage 2.0 generates a list of related keywords for the domain you were originally looking for. Choose the one that you think would fetch you the most profits.

How does PR Rage 2.0 work?

In this section of PR Rage 2.0 Review, I am going to show you how quickly and easily you can have high-value domains that you can flip for hundreds and thousands in profits or you can rent them out to build passive income. There’s literally so many ways that you can use these tools.

This is the domain dashboard within PR Rage 2.0 and we’re going to walk through some quick things very quickly.

As I scroll through, this is just opening up without doing any searching. I can see some amazing amazing things straightaway: a domain that you can buy for $8 that has a valuation of $1,300 before you do anything to it.

I can see domains that are 6 years which has been around for a long time and this is without doing any searching whatsoever.

I can see domains that have existing traffic and this is before we even start to jump into the program. You can see domains high value domains, you can see incredible domains with age that are better ranked it.

So let’s have a look at some of the details that we can put together… you can find quickly domains in high value industries.

For example… let’s say that I looked at puppy as my domain. The first thing PR Age will do will show you what the search engines are actually bringing up when you bring that through, and you can then tailor your search to make sure that you’re really going for the traffic.

Let’s do a search and without doing any filtering… we look for a domains with puppy in the title and straightaway.

I can start to see domains that are out there now. I can see domains that are cheap with high valuations. I can also see ones that are high cost and you can start to see the immediate impact of that. I can see domains with traffic… so I can start to see really domains that have an incredible result there.

Now let’s have a look at this one. Just as one extra thing that you can do with PR Rage 2.0. Look at a domain which is in the list. Now I can understand why somebody who owns that domain would want to sell it for that price.

It’s a good domain but check this out if I come across to the details section, it’s gonna run and see if we can find some traffic, backlinks…

This particular domain doesn’t have any, but have a look at this it is on sale for $1999 that’s nearly two thousand dollars. No information, no backlinks.

But if you take a look at the related domains, is available

And by that literally right now from the PR Rage 2.0 system, can pay $16.99. Isn’t that an amazing thing? So I can find high value or high cost to made and find alternates that are just as good and being able to put them together really really quickly.

I can find some amazing information about that in terms of how it works, etc. I can add it to a shortlist, I can purchase it straight away and very very quickly. I can find high value domains and I can instantly turn them for a profit.

I can find domains that have incredible statistics with them and I can see in all kinds of things whether it’s a Facebook like or Twitter, LinkedIn count so I can see how many social links are coming back for those domains, etc.

As I come up to the short list PR Rage 2.0 will keep these domains in a shortlist for me and notify me if anything changes with those domains. I can build a search with filter.

Honest PR Rage 2.0 Review: Is it worth buying?

Ever thought of investing in Virtual Real Estate? Some people did… and they are millionaires today. They are popularly known as Domainer Millionaires. And you can become one too. That’s where PR Rage 2.0 comes into play.

PR Rage 2.0 does all the heavy lifting for you. It runs all the checks and finds you the most profitable and high-value domains in seconds. You can acquire these for as little as $5 or $10.

Next thing you know… these are fetching you a monthly rental income of $250. And before you know it… these domains are now valued at thousands of dollars.

PR Rage 2.0 fetches you (in seconds) all the information you need to have before buying a domain. I am talking… the domain age, backlinks and all the other parameters that will help you maximize your profits.

PR Rage 2.0 is a powerful system that helps you flip a $10 investment into a huge single sale of $500, $1,000 and even $10,000+ without any technical skills. In just 3 easy steps you’ll start flipping and profiting from domains like a Pro.

Here’s what you got to do once you get access to PR Rage 2.0

  • Step 1: Enter The Domain You’re Looking For
  • Step 2: Generate And Collect Your New Profitable Domains
  • Step 3: Make Massive Profits By Renting These Out Or Selling Them

With an increasing number of businesses needing names for websites, owners of in-demand site names (domains) are becoming millionaires overnight. Now you might be someone who has no clue about domains and domain flipping. Domain Flipping is no doubt a complicated process… if you were to do it manually.

But that’s exactly why PR Rage 2.0 has been built. It helps regular people like you and me make instant profits from something that just scares away a lot of people… but has MASSIVE potential. No worries.

PR Rage 2.0 is a simple point-n-click system that requires no prior experience or skills to profit from this largely unexplored market.

Let’s take a look at the huge benefits come up with:

  • Get High PR Domains Rated By age, backlinks, traffic, social signals, $value and more…
  • Cloud Based. Nothing To Download
  • FAST — 20 Hours Of Manual Research DONE In Less Than 20 Seconds.
  • FILTER By ONLY High Value, Older Than, > Traffic Numbers And SO Much More.
  • SET & FORGET. Get Alerted The Second Your Perfect (And Most PROFITABLE) Domains Come Onto The Market
  • Easy Shortlisting. Collect and Watch Your Favourite Domains
  • One Click Purchase. Integrates Seamlessly With The Biggest Domain Markets On The Planet Inc. Go Daddy and SEDO
  • Includes 3 Exclusive Training Videos
  • No Experience Or Technical Knowledge Required. PR Rage 2.0 Does It ALL For You

A guy named Willie had put in a lot of effort (because PR Rage 2.0 had not been built till then) and bought a domain for $32. And soon he was making $250 a month and now has a 6 figure monthly portfolio! That’s for real.

PR Rage 2.0 would be the smartest investment you’re ever going to make. But act soon… else you’ll end up paying a lot more and that too more often as the creators raise the price and change it into a recurring model from the present super-low one-time price.

And another thing before I go… there are some very exclusive bonuses up for grabs when you get access to PR Rage 2.0 today.


For a limited time, you can grab PR Rage 2.0 with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!

Front-end: PR Rage 2.0 ($47)

During this special launch you can get grandfathered access to PR Rage 2.0 for a small one-time price. Any increase in prices later will not affect your account. Using and profiting with PR Rage 2.0 required no technical skills. PR Rage 2.0 churns out profitable domains for you to buy and then sell completely hands-off.

OTO 1: Protect Rage ($29)

PR Rage 2.0 has been designed to help you FIND-FLIP-PROFIT with domains by putting in just a few minutes every day. You just saw the incredible power of PR Rage 2.0. Its advanced technology makes picking ‘highly-profitable domains’ a rather fun activity.

It would no doubt be a real shame if you were to lose a single penny due to any oversights or negligence. Losing backlinks and traffic to 404 error is more common than you might think.

Rage PROTECT is a simple and yet, highly-effective plugin to plug these profit leaks.

  • Cutting-Edge Technology To Safeguard Your Domains
  • Provides 100% Protection To All Your Backlinks
  • Never Loose Traffic Again To Broken Links
  • Simple To Install. No Technical Skills Required
  • Works For Existing And Newly Acquired Domains
  • Special Launch Offer: Low One-Time Price

OTO 2: Content Rage ($67)

A piece of content that is good and link-worthy is shareable and further helps in bringing in new visitors. But, adding relevant high-quality content consistently needs HUGE investment, both in terms of time and money.

There’s a way that can help you increase that value exponentially… WITHOUT putting in any effort. It is something I have been using on a regular basis… and I have managed to fetch far more price for my domains than originally expected.

  • Complete Set-N-Forget System
  • Only 1-Minute Installation
  • Increase The Price Of Your Domains With ZERO Work
  • No Need To Write Any Content Or To Hire A Copywriter
  • Effortlessly Find And Add High-Quality Content To Your Domains

OTO 3: Resellers license ($97)

Incredible opportunity for people to cash in from this product as if it was their own

  • Selling PR Rage 2.0 on Social Media, your own website or via a webinar
  • Adding PR Rage 2.0 as an upgrade to your future funnels
  • Sending private offers to your customers via emails (these are provided too)

PR Rage 2.0 Review Conclusion

Thank you so much for reading my PR Rage 2.0 Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This system is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.

TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW… You will also get 95 giant bonus that value over $29,000 from us!

Vendor’s Bonus

My Bonuses

Bonus #1: TweetLead (EXCLUSIVE)

Using this proven software you can create one-click signup buttons inside *any* Tweet!

It’s basically what ConnectLeads does, but for Twitter. We were planning to launch this separately.. but decided to give it away for FREE as a bonus to ConnectLeads.

(Could easily be sold separately for $197)

1 : Get Pr Rage 2.0 here to download it now
2: After completing the transaction, forward the receipt to my email at:
3: You will receive all Your bonus within 24 hours

>> Download Pr Rage 2.0 Huge Bonus Package <<

