5 Key Tactics! The Pros & Cons Use for Chinese Food Boxes Design

4 min readSep 12, 2019


Food is the essential and most crucial element of our lives. Food packaging also matters. Many food brands became more popular just because of their unique and sustainable food packaging. Food packaging performs different tasks such as it plays a vital role in distribution. It also protects food and keeps it fresh. Chinese food boxes are becoming more popular in all over the world. These boxes are made up of thin cardboard material and have some reliable features. These are highly recommended food packaging and distributing boxes.

Significance of Chinese Food Boxes
Food is used in daily routine. We want food when we feel hungry. Everyone likes Chinese food, such as Chinese rice, prawns, noodles, and many other dishes. Chinese restaurants are becoming more favorable. Delicious food makes a person’s mood happy and makes him healthy. Food has many kinds. Different kinds of food need different types of packaging. Chinese food boxes are great sources to preserve and protect food. These boxes are also used to store food items. Chinese food boxes have some pros as well as some cons that make it less reliable for all types of food
Pros of Chinese Food Boxes.
· Preserve food
The critical advantage of Chinese food box is that it preserves food from external harms. It maintains the quality of food for a long time. Chinese food boxes are of high quality, and they increase the preservation of food from chemical and physical influences.
· Easy in use
Chinese food boxes have another feature of easy to use. They are easily opened and can be converted into plates for the convenience of a person. They don’t have a rigid or sealed opening. This quality of comfortable to use makes Chinese food boxes more favorable among foodies.
· lightweight and easy to carry
Food is the thing that you need everywhere no matters either you are at a wedding, at a party, on a date or watching a movie. You are always in search of food to entertain your stomach. Chinese takeout boxes are very lightweight and easy to carry. They are not heavy, and you feel very comfortable to carry them along with you.

· Disposable
Food boxes are usually made up of thin cardboard. Chinese food boxes are also made up of cardboard, and they are disposable. A disposable food serving or packaging box is a favorable option for food brands because they don’t face problems of washing and assembling food boxes.
· Visibility of food product
Food lovers are highly concerned with the presentation of food. Chinese food boxes have this ability that makes them more exciting and unique. These boxes are designed in such ways that provide the visibility of food product. A well-represented food makes mood happier and satisfies the customer.
· Cost-effective
Chinese food boxes are not expensive. They are used on a large scale and are very cost-effective for food brands. Many good packaging companies offer custom boxes wholesale, which is a great way to save money if you buy in bulk.

Cons of Chinese Food Boxes
We have discussed the advantages. Chinese food boxes also have some drawbacks that make them less reliable in the food packaging industry. So, let’s have a look at the other side of the picture.
· Not suitable for all types of food
The one basic con of Chinese food packaging is that it is not usable for all kinds of food. Some food products are liquid or have different shapes. So you cannot use this box for all variety of food products.

· Short time usage
Chinese food boxes are less durable, and they are used for a short time. You cannot preserve food in these boxes for an extended period of time. These boxes have a short life span, so not suitable for keeping food for a long time.
· Harmful material
Food and beverage boxes are made up of different chemicals that are actually harmful to human health. When these boxes are thrown in seas or oceans, the aquatic life eats or swallow them, and it is hazardous for their lives.

· Less heat and water-resistant
These boxes are made up of thin or low material that is less resistant to heat and water and can be caused the damage of food product. Only good quality Chinese boxes are insulted and have heat resistant. But the right quality boxes are expansive.




I am a professional and also a student of BSC. I studying in Chicago’s Public Research University. I have an interest in designing art and more things