5 min readAug 7, 2019


Product packaging is the necessary and impressive tools of the marketing of your products; it’s a first impression of the brands and product on its potential customers. Attractive packaging design can attract the customers to get the product or sometimes after the purchasing it plays the role to build customer ship. When we consider the packing of the food or a pizza, then it’s a challenging task as well, because you pizza package should be realistic, easy to carry and comfortable enough to keep the pizza fresh until consumed.

Pizza packaging comes in every size, trendy colors, brands logo, and easy to handle and carrying properties make it the customer’s choice. A right printed pizza package gives a good impression of the brand on the customer’s eye, and they feel good about the brand and the product until unpacking the pizza.

Things to consider for attractive pizza packaging

While designing the pizza boxes designers should keep in mind that it represents the brand’s image to the customers so it must contain the following properties:

· Creative design: for the printed pizza packaging must choose the unique and different designs which help to communicate with the customers. Like it’s for all age groups to make it simple, attractive, and colorful, do not just go with the simple cardboard packaging.

· Explain brands image: packaging is the impression of the product and the brand towards its customers. For the attractive pizza, the package must choose the logo and the colors which represent the brand and explain the actual product before unpacking.

· Innovative ideas: For the package, select the different shapes as well to make your box distinguished out of many and it will be the brand symbol that due to packing your product is recognizable as well.

Cardboard pizza packaging is not boring

A good packaging box means that is fit for the product, large or small size can damage the product and fails to get customers loyalty with the brand. Attractive packing is a tool to engage customers with brands and product. Be straightforward, and as per the product, size does not mean to go boring, have some creative merger of your product and its description on the box. Typically pizza companies go with the brown cardboard pizza boxes, these are not bad as well if organized and decorated well. Whatever the material you are using for the pizza packing, it depends on the brand’s selection, but it should engage the customers and sound attractive.

Characteristics of good packaging boxes

For the attractive pizza boxes, wholesale must go with the following tips:

· Use the product itself to make it a statement for the customers, which helps to get them involves.

· A simple and delegate packing look good, but that does not mean to get too simple, which ruins the product image.

· Use pictures, labels, logo, and colors to show a story about your product or brand.

· For a box does not just rely on the square or rectangular shape, experiments, different shapes which suit and fit for the product.

· Be creative and innovative for the box design, with colors and brands logo as well.

Material for pizza packaging

When it comes to having a package box designed for the food, the content should be environment-friendly and reliable enough to keep the product fresh and safe. Usually pizza serves and packs right after it comes out of the oven, so if your pizzas boxes are made up of something like low-quality material it ruins the taste and look bad. Packaging is the ultimate and the best tool of marketing because it directly goes on the targeted customers of the brand. So make it happen and get the customers engaged with the product use the good quality and reliable material.

Give extra facilitation

Brands normally pack the pizza into the boxes and deliver it to the customers, of the good impression you can add some giveaways and coupons with the box as well.

Like boxes having the disposal plates or the sauces on some extra space or a kind of discount or coupons printed on the boxes inspires and attract the customers towards the brand.




I am a professional and also a student of BSC. I studying in Chicago’s Public Research University. I have an interest in designing art and more things