Elliora Quills
2 min readJan 11, 2024


In this digital and technological age marked with the development and use of artificial intelligence, trends quickly emerge.

Therefore, you need to be in the know if you want to stay relevant in the game.

Hey, don’t get worried. You’re here and I’m going to show you where the spotlight is and where you should look towards.

Before we begin, a happy new year to you again. This year is gonna be good.

Back to the matter at hand

As I looked through the trends for the year, I couldn’t help but notice that the trends are turning in the direction of people’s needs, desire and inrerest.

It goes to show that writing is not about you, but about your audience. Write for them, to them and with them in mind and you’ll always stay relevant.

The end!

That’s the sum of it, now let’s break that down into a simple list of the writing trends in 2024.

1. Look out for more of these guys:

- Podcasts
- Audiobooks.
- Self-publishing.
- Email marketing.
- Visual storytelling.
- Virtual book launch.
- Print-on-demand books.
- Intense copyright and fraud protection.

2. These kinds of content will win:

- Voice search optimised articles.
- Written in conversational style.
- Human and vulnerable pieces.
- Audience-targeted content.
- Written in informal tones.
- Edutaining content.
- Authentic writing.
- Personal stories.
- Storytelling.

3. Integrate AI into your writing process, don't depend on it though. AI for:

- Editing and proofreading.
- Reviewing your writing.
- Outlining your article.
- Audiobook narration.
- Brainstorming ideas.
- Book cover designs.
- Keyword research.
- Writing captions.

4. Diversify your content and be a jack

- Embrace interactive content (quizzes and polls).
- Don't just blog, embrace multimedia (videos, images, audios, memes, GIFs)
- Collaborate with peeps across niches.

5. Mix up your long content with lots of micro-content

- Infographics.
- Short-form books.
- Images and Carousels.
- Novellas and flash fiction.
- Articles formatted for easy read and scannability..

6. Improve your writing because we're getting smarter.

- Clear and direct communication.
- Better grammar and punctuation.
- Better descriptive writing.
- Persuasive writing.
- Coherent writing.

7. Trends in Book writing

- Children books relating to emotional intelligence, communication and conservation.
- More photobooks by creatives (fashion designers, graphic designers, artists, etc)
- More books by non-writers.
- A season for Ghostwriters.
- Visually appealing books.


What do you do with these?

- Learn skills that will help you do better in the areas you're lacking.

- Add more services to accommodate for these.

- Revise your content strategy for the year.

- Do more videos (this one is for me).

I hope this helped.

If you need clarity and a guide to help you maximize these writing trends in the best and most profitable way, send me a message.

Email: ellioraquills@gmail.com

Book a consultation call: https://calendly.com/ellioraefe-oviahon-writingsidekick/clarity-call

Personalised link: https://linktr.ee/elliora_quills

I am Faith Elliora Efe-Oviahon, a Writing Consultant. I provide valuable expertise and support to individuals to writers and non-writers, helping them improve their craft, complete their writing projects, overcome creative challenges, and achieve their writing goals.

Elliora Quills

Writing Consultant || I provide expert guidance and smart solutions for better writing, career growth, and development to writers and non-writers.