Kleidi WalletKleidi is a self-custody contract for users with high security requirements. It significantly minimizes the attack surfaces that could lead…Oct 16, 2024Oct 16, 2024
Timelocks and MultisigsHaving spent the last few years building smart contracts for Decentralized Finance (DeFi), I have had the privilege of seeing many…Jul 19, 2024Jul 19, 2024
You’re Doing xERC20 WrongPlease excuse the click-baity title, but I think we should have a conversation about xERC20. The standard, as implemented in the…Jan 28, 2024Jan 28, 2024
The Invariant That Wasn’tThe ability to think about a problem in reverse is helpful in identifying logical errors and gaps in thinking. The movie Tenet explores a…Jan 28, 2024Jan 28, 2024
Introducing Forge Proposal SimulatorDecentralized governance is a significant benefit of blockchain technology, and it is changing the way software is built and organizations…Jan 17, 2024Jan 17, 2024
Security: The Infinite GameAn infinite game is one where each player’s move prompts continual adaptation and strategy refinement by their opponent. Security in the…Oct 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023
A Security Stack — Part 2Smart contract development is a relatively new discipline of computer science. It has unique constraints such as compute limits, high IO…Sep 5, 2023Sep 5, 2023
A Security StackWriting secure smart contracts is a lengthy and elaborate process, encompassing a wide range of testing types, reviews and tools. A…Jun 3, 2023Jun 3, 2023
The End of AuditsWhile developing Volt, one of the major challenges was shipping code iteratively and engaging security experts for minor changes without…May 18, 2023May 18, 2023
Published inCoinmonksMulti-Contract Reentrancy LocksReentrancy is the oldest and most well-known attack vector in smart contract land. The first ever reentrancy attack involved reentering a…May 1, 2023May 1, 2023