An open letter to Jacob Rees-Mogg

Elliot Jay Stocks
4 min readJan 17, 2019
Photo by Chris McAndrew

Dear Jacob,

I’m going to be honest with you: in almost every way, you and I could not be further apart. I voted to remain in the European Union; you’re the chairman of the ERG. I disagree with your opposition to gay marriage, your belief that women don’t have the right to abortion, your disregard for environmental protection, and your push for autonomous faith-based schools that allow for discrimination based on religious beliefs rather than state-supported standards. I’ve written to you in the past regarding these subjects, and your replies to me have only further illustrated just how different our opinions are.

But there are two things that unite us — beyond being near-neighbours in beautiful North East Somerset, of course. The first is that we both agree Theresa May’s vision for Brexit is not good for this country. I’m glad you voted against the Prime Minister’s Brexit deal. The second is duty: it’s my duty as a voting citizen to write to my local MP and express my opinions on the matter, and it’s your duty to represent your constituents’ views in parliament.

You’ll be eager to point out, I’m sure, that the British public voted by a (slim) majority in 2016 to leave the EU, and that, in being voted into power yourself, your conservative viewpoint is, in theory, representative of the majority of your constituents’ beliefs — who also…



Elliot Jay Stocks

Helping make @GoogleFonts Knowledge and releasing music as Other Form. Past lives: Creative Director of @adobefonts , @8faces, and @readlagom.