Behind the scenes of Maido’s rebranding

Elliot Jay Stocks
10 min readJul 7, 2020

This post was originally published on the Maido blog.

You might notice that we’ve had a little facelift at Maido. Or you might not — and that’s totally fine. What we launched at the end of last year was not really a redesign, but more of a re-align. An evolution rather than a revolution.

Why the change? Maido has evolved over the last few years from working in the purely commercial world to partnering with commercial, NGO, and government organisations who are striving to positively change the world through design and technology. And it’s not only that we’re bringing our experience from both sides of the coin to our clients; we’ve also made some fundamental changes internally about how we evaluate which projects we take on, and how we feel driven by what we do as a team. And to reflect this revised approach to our work, we knew we had to update the way we talk about ourselves on our website, and choose two new typefaces and an accompanying logotype to solidify our redefined brand.

Our typographic updates were meant to be a relatively gentle next step, and the decision to root our brand’s new typography in the same world as our former one wasn’t just us not wanting to upset the apple cart; it was something that came out of the internal workshop we ran to determine the kind of message we wanted to convey. In short, we realised…



Elliot Jay Stocks

Helping make @GoogleFonts Knowledge and releasing music as Other Form. Past lives: Creative Director of @adobefonts , @8faces, and @readlagom.