One week with the Google Pixel

Elliot Jay Stocks
9 min readNov 4, 2016

A couple of months ago, I published a post that criticised Apple and praised Google. I titled it ‘The Apple-Google shift’ because I was attempting to put into words the shift that had occurred between the two tech giants and the shift that had, as a result, slowly but surely started to occur in my mind and the minds of other Apple fanboys and fangirls.

Shortly after that post, Apple announced the iPhone 7 and I found myself feeling pretty ‘meh’ about that, as anticipated. About a month later, Google announced the Pixel: their long-rumoured (proper) foray into total hardware and software integration. I decided to put my money where my mouth was: I pre-ordered a Pixel to replace my iPhone.

The Pixel arrived just over a week ago and a lot of people have been asking how I’ve been getting on with it, so here we are: a few initial observations from a nine-year iOS user.

(I’ll preface this by saying that some of these observations are specific to the Pixel, some to Android in general, and some to this specific flavour of Android. Not having been an Android user until now, you’ll have to excuse my naïvety.)

10 things I instantly love

1. The seriously fantastic camera



Elliot Jay Stocks

Helping make @GoogleFonts Knowledge and releasing music as Other Form. Past lives: Creative Director of @adobefonts , @8faces, and @readlagom.