ellis lunayo
2 min readNov 21, 2017

Learning Map Outcome

The learning journey is turning out to be tough and enlightening much, you realize how much of learning you need to do. the time goes faster as before because you have a lot of covering to do with minimum time so no wasting even a single minute. You walk in the bootcamp thinking you know much only to realize you are a guest to a world you claimed champion. The camp is vigorous learning with fellows who are willing to spare their two minutes to guide you through. i.e my members who are Ann, Mike and Dave. #teamninjas . Oooh! and LFA’s who never tire on answering questions, so far the camp is interesting much learning new things daily and implementing the things i learned yesterday. Like right now i’m very comfortable with git commands and the bootstrap with only a day of learning. The challenging bit i have encountered is with the virtualization of the environments but i am on the verge of conquering today’s challenge.

Installing the pip virtual environment was quite a challenge but with the help of one of my fellows i did manage to set it up

That feel good moment when something was bugging you and you’ve finally sorted it out :)

Writing tests, which one has to import the unittest declaration so as to enable the test feature on python. The unit test tests whether your code is correct before you write it using parameters like assertEqual which checks whether two parameters are equal and many other like assertTrue and asserFalse which checks whether the argument is true or false

On Object Oriented Programming

On this day i checked my oop skills evaluating where i need to refresh more and here are some of the samples i have been working on in terms of testing my oop skills

checking on my functions and lists along side with dictionaries

It is my second time interacting with the TDD, first time is when i was doing the home study then now when i’m learning more about it and i’m grateful to say that the clinic is more of an eye opener.