Picture yourself in a lively bar, where laughter floats in the air and glasses clink together in celebration. As a former bar manager, I learned that crafting cocktails was just the beginning. It was about creating moments that lingered long after the final sip.

But life had something more in store. At 32, fueled by my passion for design, I embarked on a new chapter. From an art course at Pendleton College to graphic design studies at the University of Salford, I discovered the power of visual storytelling that ignited my creativity.

Then, fate intervened. I stumbled upon UX design—a realm where I could weave narratives and leave a lasting impact. It was like finding the missing puzzle piece. With aesthetics and seamless interactions at the forefront, I found my true calling.

Join me on this exciting journey of discovery and inspiration. Let's explore the magic of UX design together, unlocking the untold stories behind remarkable user experiences. Through insights, tips, and captivating design tales, I'll spark your imagination and broaden your understanding of this ever-evolving world. Together, we'll create unforgettable experiences and embrace the power of design to shape our interactions with the world. Are you ready to join me?

Let the adventure begin!