Excel For the Weak: Split First and Last Names into Separate Columns with Functions

Not as hard as it looks. Breathe deeply, and follow along with me.

5 min readDec 24, 2016


A nerdy tip to manage those untidy Excel documents.

There is no better way to spend an afternoon than by working hard, copying and pasting first and last names into different columns so that you can import your Excel list into a program like Mailchimp or Surveymonkey (or whatever) in order to send your emails, newsletters, surveys and the like.

If you really like copying and pasting your life away, I recommend you stop reading this and get back to work. But, if you prefer to free up hours of your life and look smart in the process…..read on!

The Context

I will detail a case that frequently occurs in my work. Your experience should be modified to fit your reality. I am often tasked with sending out a newsletter or survey. The list of recipients arrives in the form of an Excel document. If I am fortunate, the document is relatively tidy and there are no spelling errors (one can dream). But, in almost all cases, the…




Mike enjoys time with family, web design & development, coding, translating, blogging, and a glass of whisky. Learn even more here - https://www.elmikewalsh.com