Spirit Message for Today…1/25/23

What is spirit saying to you today?

Erin M.
2 min readJan 25, 2023
A man standing on a rugged mountaintop with a beautiful sunrise above him.
Photo by Mathew Thomas: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-standing-on-rock-during-sunset-906531/

Change is always possible.

No matter how bad things appear or how bad the negative experiences you’ve endured in your past, you can always make a change.

Change always begins with mindset and intention.

What changes would you like to make?

What does your future hold?

What is your vision for the future?

Get clear about your intentions, and what you truly want.

Now go about the business of making it happen.

Start small so you don’t overwhelm yourself.

Everyday focus on one thing you can improve and do better.

In time, these small changes will lead to complete self transformation.

What are you waiting on?

Now go forth and be great.

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Erin M.

I specialize in spiritual and self-help content. I am also a blogger @https://impartedwisdom.com. Email: elmix39@ gmail.com/Support Ko-fi: Ko-fi.com/erinm8557