Jina Reader: Transforming Web Content to Feed LLMs

6 min readApr 16, 2024


In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for processing and generating human-like text. However, feeding web content into these models can be challenging due to the complexity of web scraping and the presence of extraneous elements in raw HTML. Jina AI, a leading company in the field of AI, has developed a solution to this problem: the Reader API.

Good! The introduction is finished, more details in the following sections:

  1. What is the Reader API?
  2. How Does the Reader API Work?
  3. Using the Reader API
  4. Streaming Mode
  5. JSON Mode
  6. Performance and Reliability
  7. Language Support and Limitations
  8. PDF Support
  9. Recent Updates and Image Support
  10. Installation and Local Development
  11. Troubleshooting and Support
  12. Future Developments
  13. Conclusion

What is the Reader API?

The Reader API is a tool designed to extract the main content from a given URL and convert it into a clean, easily digestible format for large language models. By using the Reader API, developers and researchers can improve the quality of input data for their agent and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems, leading to better output and performance.

How Does the Reader API Work?

At its core, the Reader API acts as a proxy that fetches the content of a specified URL and renders it in a browser environment. During this process, the API extracts the main content of the webpage, removing any unnecessary elements such as HTML tags, scripts, and stylesheets. The resulting output is a clean, LLM-friendly text that preserves the essential information from the original webpage.

Using the Reader API

One of the key advantages of the Reader API is its simplicity. To use the API, users simply need to prepend https://r.jina.ai/ to the URL they want to process. For example, to convert the content of https://example.com into LLM-friendly text, the user would access https://r.jina.ai/https://example.com. The Reader API does not require an API key, making it accessible to anyone who needs to process web content for their LLM-based projects.

Streaming Mode

In addition to the standard usage, the Reader API offers a streaming mode that allows for processing content as it becomes available. This mode is particularly useful when dealing with large or dynamic webpages, as it minimizes the time until the first byte of content is received. To enable streaming mode, users need to set the request header to Accept: text/event-stream. This feature is beneficial for downstream LLM/agent systems that require immediate content delivery or need to process data in chunks to optimize the balance between I/O and LLM processing time.


The Reader API also supports a JSON output mode, which is currently in its early stages of development. While the JSON output currently only includes three fields (url, title, and content), it provides a structured format that can be easily parsed and integrated into various applications. To request the JSON output, users can set the request header to Accept: application/json.

Performance and Reliability

One of the primary concerns when processing web content is the performance and reliability of the scraping process… Traditional web scraping methods can be complex and often fail when encountering dynamic or heavily structured webpages, but the Reader API addresses these issues by providing a streamlined and reliable solution that typically processes URLs and returns content within 2 seconds. However, it’s important to note that complex or dynamic pages may require more time to process fully.

Language Support and Limitations

The Reader API returns content in the original language of the requested URL and does not provide translation services. This means that users will need to handle any necessary translations downstream in their LLM pipeline. Additionally, the API can only process content from publicly accessible URLs, and if the same URL is requested within a 5-minute window, the API will return the cached content to improve efficiency.

PDF Support

While the Reader API is primarily designed for processing web content, it does offer limited support for extracting text from PDFs. If a PDF is viewed in HTML format on a website like arXiv, the Reader API can extract its content. However, it’s important to note that the API is not optimized for general PDF extraction and may not provide the same level of performance and reliability as it does for web content.

Recent Updates and Image Support

As of 2024–04–15, the Reader API has introduced support for image reading. When processing a URL, the API now captions all images and adds them as alt tags if they initially lack one. This feature enables downstream LLMs to interact with the images, allowing for more comprehensive reasoning and summarization. The inclusion of image support further enhances the value of the Reader API in providing rich, multi-modal content for LLM-based applications.

Installation and Local Development

For developers interested in running the Reader API locally or contributing to its development, the project can be found on this Jina AI GitHub repository. To set up the project locally, developers will need Node v18 and the Firebase CLI. The backend code is located in the backend/functions directory, where developers need to install the necessary npm dependencies.

It’s worth noting that the project references a thinapps-shared submodule, which is an internal package used by Jina AI to share code across their products. While this submodule is not open-sourced and is not integral to the Reader’s core functionality, it assists with decorators, logging, secrets management, and other auxiliary tasks. Developers should be aware that the repository’s codebase is directly tied to the deployed version of the Reader API at https://r.jina.ai, meaning that every commit to the repository triggers a new version deployment.

Troubleshooting and Support

Despite the Reader API’s robustness and reliability, users may occasionally encounter issues with specific websites. In such cases, users are encouraged to raise an issue on the GitHub repository, providing the problematic URL. The Jina AI team actively monitors the repository and will investigate and attempt to resolve any reported issues promptly.

Future Developments

As the field of artificial intelligence continues to advance, the Reader API will likely evolve to meet the growing needs of LLM-based applications. Potential future developments could include expanded support for different file formats, enhanced image processing capabilities, and the integration of additional features to support more advanced use cases.


The Jina Reader API represents a significant step forward in simplifying the process of feeding web content into large language models. By providing a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly solution for extracting clean, LLM-friendly text from webpages, the Reader API empowers developers and researchers to focus on building innovative applications without worrying about the complexities of web scraping.

As the project continues to grow and evolve, the Reader API will undoubtedly play a crucial role in advancing the field of AI and enabling the development of more sophisticated, knowledge-rich applications. With its commitment to open-source development and its strong community support, the Jina Reader API is poised to become an essential tool in the toolbox of any developer working with large language models.

Concluding, I leave you with this funny thing: try to use the Jina Reader API on the webpage of Jina Reader… Byeee!

( text taken from this page from https://didyouknowbg8.wordpress.com/ )

