Search in Peace with SearXNG: An Alternative Search Engine That Keeps Your Searches Private

6 min readApr 11, 2024


In today’s digital landscape, data privacy is a growing concern, but traditional search engines collect vast amounts of user information, raising questions about user tracking and profiling… SearXNG emerges as a powerful alternative, offering a free and open-source metasearch experience that prioritizes user privacy without compromising search functionality.

However, this is just an introduction… More details in the following sections:

  1. Unveiling the Metasearch Engine
  2. The Cornerstone of Privacy: No Tracking, No Profiling
  3. Customization: Tailoring Your Search Experience
  4. Tor Compatibility: Anonymity at Its Finest
  5. Beyond the Basics: Exploring SearXNG Functionalities
  6. Advantages of Using SearXNG
  7. Beyond the Search Bar: The SearXNG Ecosystem
  8. Conclusion: Empowering Your Search Experience

Unveiling the Metasearch Engine

At its core, SearXNG operates as a metasearch engine. This means that, unlike traditional search engines that maintain their own vast databases of indexed webpages, SearXNG acts as an intermediary, fetching results from over 70 independent search services and databases. This diverse pool of sources includes popular options like DuckDuckGo and Bing, alongside specialized academic search engines and niche subject-specific databases: by aggregating results from such a wide range, SearXNG offers users a comprehensive search landscape without the privacy concerns associated with traditional search engines.

The Cornerstone of Privacy: No Tracking, No Profiling

SearXNG’s core philosophy revolves around user privacy. It stands in stark contrast to traditional search engines that meticulously track user searches, IP addresses, and browsing behavior to build detailed user profiles and to create targeted advertising, potentially limiting search results based on inferred user preferences. SearXNG breaks free from this model, offering a truly anonymous search experience: it neither tracks searches nor profiles users, ensuring your search activity remains entirely private.

Customization: Tailoring Your Search Experience

SearXNG, as shown in the documentation, empowers users with a high degree of customization, allowing them to fine-tune their search experience. This includes the ability to:

  • Filter Search Sources: Users can choose to exclude specific search engines from their results, allowing them to focus on preferred sources or prioritize privacy-focused options like DuckDuckGo.
  • Content Filtering: SearXNG offers the option to filter out adult content or image results, making it suitable for users seeking a more family-friendly search environment.
  • Language Preferences: Searches can be tailored to specific languages, ensuring results are displayed in the user’s preferred tongue.

These customization options cater to diverse user needs. Whether you’re seeking a strictly private search or simply want to refine your results based on specific criteria, SearXNG’s customization features provide the necessary tools.

Tor Compatibility: Anonymity at Its Finest

For users seeking the ultimate level of anonymity, SearXNG seamlessly integrates with Tor, a free and open-source software that anonymizes web traffic. By routing your search queries through the Tor network, SearXNG ensures that your search activity cannot be traced back to your IP address or physical location. This is particularly beneficial for users in regions with restricted internet access or heightened privacy concerns.

Beyond the Basics: Exploring SearXNG Functionalities

While privacy remains its core strength, SearXNG offers a surprising range of functionalities that elevate the search experience:

  • Saved Searches: SearXNG allows users to save frequently used searches for quicker access later. This is particularly useful for users who conduct repetitive searches on specific topics.
  • Search Operators: Similar to traditional search engines, SearXNG supports common search operators like Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and phrase searching, allowing users to refine their searches for greater precision.
  • Search History: SearXNG provides an optional search history feature. Unlike traditional engines that automatically store search history for tracking purposes, SearXNG allows users to enable this feature if they find it beneficial and offers complete control over deleting search history entries.

These functionalities demonstrate that SearXNG goes beyond simply being a privacy-focused search engine, offering a robust set of tools that cater to users seeking a feature-rich search experience while prioritizing privacy.

Advantages of Using SearXNG

So, the benefits of using SearXNG are numerous:

  • Enhanced Privacy: By avoiding user tracking and profiling, SearXNG safeguards your online privacy and protects your search activity from being used for targeted advertising or other purposes.
  • Unbiased Results: The absence of user profiling ensures that search results are not skewed based on inferred user preferences, allowing for a more objective and unbiased search landscape.
  • Control Over Your Data: SearXNG empowers you with complete control over your search data: you choose whether to enable the optional search history feature and can delete entries at any time!
  • Diverse Search Sources: By aggregating results from over 70 sources, SearXNG offers a wider search net, potentially leading to more comprehensive and relevant results compared to single-source search engines.

Considerations When Using SearXNG

While SearXNG offers a compelling alternative for privacy-conscious users, there are some factors to consider before making it your primary search engine:

  • Search Ranking: Due to its metasearch nature, SearXNG’s ranking algorithms might differ from traditional search engines. These algorithms prioritize results based on relevance to the search query across various sources. While this can lead to diverse and informative results, the ranking order might not always match what you’re accustomed to with traditional search engines.
  • Customization Curve: The extensive customization options offered by SearXNG can be advantageous, but they might also present a steeper learning curve compared to simpler search engines, so users accustomed to basic search functionality might require some time to adjust to the level of control offered by SearXNG.
  • Limited Features: While SearXNG offers a surprising range of functionalities, it might not boast the same extensive feature set as some major search engines. In fact, features like integrated image or video search might be limited compared to their counterparts in traditional search engines.

These considerations shouldn’t necessarily deter you from using SearXNG. However, being aware of these points can help you manage expectations and determine if SearXNG aligns perfectly with your search needs.

Beyond the Search Bar: The SearXNG Ecosystem

The SearXNG project extends beyond the search engine itself. It fosters a vibrant ecosystem that empowers users and developers alike:

  • Public Instances: A network of public SearXNG instances is available at These instances are hosted by independent providers and offer a user-friendly way to access SearXNG without any setup required.
  • Self-Hosting: For users seeking maximum control and privacy, SearXNG offers the option to self-host their own instance. The detailed documentation provides a step-by-step guide for setting up your own SearXNG instance. This empowers users to customize the search experience further and ensures complete control over their search data.
  • Open-Source Development: SearXNG’s open-source nature fosters a collaborative development environment. The project’s codebase is available on GitHub, allowing developers to contribute to the engine’s ongoing development and improvement. This transparency and community-driven approach ensure SearXNG remains at the forefront of privacy-focused search technology.

The SearXNG ecosystem offers a unique value proposition. Users can leverage public instances for a convenient search experience, while those seeking maximum control can self-host their own instance. Additionally, the open-source nature fosters a thriving developer community that continuously improves the engine.

Conclusion: Empowering Your Search Experience

SearXNG emerges as a powerful alternative for users seeking a private and customizable search experience. Its commitment to user privacy, diverse search sources, and range of functionalities make it a compelling choice. While some considerations exist regarding search ranking and feature sets, the advantages of enhanced privacy and control over your search data are undeniable. By understanding its core functionalities, advantages, and considerations, you can determine if SearXNG aligns with your search needs. Whether you leverage a public instance or embark on self-hosting your own, SearXNG empowers you to take control of your online searches and prioritize your privacy. In any case, SearXNG stands as a testament to the power of open-source development and user-centric design in the realm of search technology.

( text taken from this page from )

