The new open source LLM revealed: DBRX against the Giants’ Arena

7 min readMar 27, 2024


The large language model (LLM) landscape is a fierce gladiatorial arena, where titans like ChatGPT, Grok-1, Claude3, and Gemini battle it out for dominance. Each boasts impressive feats: crafting witty poems, translating languages in a flash, and even tackling complex code… But a new challenger has emerged, one wielding the mighty weapon of open-source accessibility: DBRX.

Developed by Databricks, DBRX isn’t just about raw power: it throws a knockout punch with efficiency, making it a lean, mean, task-handling machine. Unlike some resource-hogging competitors, DBRX tackles diverse challenges with impressive finesse, all while keeping its memory demands reasonable.

Here’s the real game-changer: DBRX isn’t a walled garden reserved for the tech elite. It’s open-source, freely available for anyone with a curious mind and a desire to push boundaries. This means you, yes YOU, can explore its potential, contribute to its development, and be a part of the LLM revolution it’s sparking (even if to run it you have to own… Oh, well, you will read about it later).

So, are you ready to step into the LLM arena with DBRX? This in-depth analysis will dissect the technical wizardry behind this groundbreaking model, compare it to the established champions, and reveal the exciting future it holds. Let’s see how DBRX stacks up against the competition and unlock the true potential of large language models, together!

Demystifying the Technical Underpinnings of DBRX

Mixture-of-Experts Architecture (MoE): A key differentiator of DBRX is its MoE architecture. This approach allows DBRX to handle diverse tasks efficiently by maintaining a pool of experts, each specializing in a specific subtask. During training or inference, only a subset of these experts is activated for a particular task. Imagine a team of specialists — one for code, another for math, and others dedicated to different aspects of language understanding. DBRX’s MoE architecture functions similarly, dynamically selecting the most relevant experts for the job at hand. This not only leads to improved performance but also translates to efficient resource utilization, a significant advantage for open-source models that may not have access to vast computing power.

Transformer-based Decoder-only LLM: DBRX builds upon the established transformer architecture, a powerful neural network design that has revolutionized natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, unlike some models that utilize both encoder and decoder components, DBRX is a decoder-only LLM. It has been trained with next-token prediction on a massive dataset of text and code, reaching a staggering 12 trillion tokens. This extensive training allows DBRX to effectively predict the next word or token in a sequence, making it adept at tasks like text generation and question answering.

Model Parameters and Context Length: DBRX boasts a total of 132 billion parameters, a measure of the model’s overall complexity. However, not all parameters are active at any given time. The MoE architecture ensures that only a subset of parameters, around 36 billion, participate in training or inference for a specific task. This approach contributes to the model’s efficiency. Furthermore, DBRX can handle contexts up to 32,000 tokens. This extensive context length allows it to process and understand information from longer passages of text, making it well-suited for tasks that require retaining and utilizing information from a broader narrative.

Benchmarking DBRX’s Performance

Surpassing Open-Source Benchmarks: DBRX establishes itself as a leader among open-source LLMs by achieving top scores on multiple standard benchmarks. In programming tasks evaluated by HumanEval, DBRX outperforms established models like Mixtral. Similarly, it demonstrates superior performance in mathematical reasoning on the GSM8k benchmark and general language understanding on the MMLU benchmark.

Competitive Against Closed-Source Models: While benchmarks are a valuable gauge, real-world application is paramount. DBRX holds its own against closed-source models like Gemini 1.0 Pro when it comes to tasks involving code, math, and general language comprehension. This competitive performance across a broader spectrum strengthens DBRX’s position as a versatile and powerful LLM.

Mastery of Long-Context Tasks: DBRX excels at handling tasks requiring an understanding of extensive context. This is evident in its strong performance on benchmarks like KV-Pairs and HotpotQAXL, where the model needs to process and retain information from longer passages of text or dialogue.

Synergy with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): DBRX demonstrates compatibility with RAG, a technique that leverages external information retrieval before text generation. When combined with RAG, DBRX achieves good results on Natural Questions and HotPotQA tasks, highlighting its ability to incorporate external knowledge sources to enhance performance.

Accessing and Running DBRX

While the DBRX codebase offers valuable insights into the model’s architecture and training process, users primarily interested in running DBRX for inference can try the demo available on Hugging Face.

For the other users that wants to run it locally, it’s crucial to note that DBRX necessitates a system with at least 320GB of memory. This substantial memory requirement can be a limiting factor for some potential users and highlights the ongoing challenge of balancing model complexity with resource efficiency.

Steps to Run Inference Locally (If You Have Enough Memory!):

  1. Download Weights and Tokenizer: Once you have the requisite memory capacity and have obtained access to the DBRX Base model on Hugging Face (manual approval might be required), download the weights and tokenizer. These files are essential components for running the model and enabling it to understand and process your input text.
  2. Install Required Libraries: Ensure you have the necessary Python libraries installed on your system. You can achieve this by running pip install -r requirements.txt (or requirements-gpu.txt if you plan to leverage a GPU for faster processing). These libraries provide the functionalities needed to interact with the model and manage its execution.
  3. Hugging Face Login: Authenticate yourself with Hugging Face using the command huggingface-cli login. This step establishes a connection between your local environment and the Hugging Face platform, granting you access to the downloaded DBRX model.
  4. Run Inference Script: With the setup complete, you can run the provided inference script (python This script allows you to interact with DBRX by providing prompts or instructions. You can further customize this script to modify settings like temperature (influencing the randomness of generated text) and beam search (a search algorithm for finding the most likely sequence) to fine-tune the outcome according to your specific needs.

Advanced Usage:

For users seeking to explore DBRX beyond basic inference functionalities, Databricks offers additional resources:

  • LLM Foundry: This open-source library by Databricks provides tools and scripts for more advanced interactions with DBRX. It includes scripts for engaging in chat-like conversations with the model and generating text in batches, allowing for streamlined workflows for specific tasks.
  • Docker Image: If you encounter installation issues with the required Python libraries, consider utilizing the readily available Docker image mosaicml/llm-foundry:2.2.1_cu121_flash2-latest. This image includes a pre-configured environment with all dependencies pre-installed, simplifying the setup process.

Optimized Inference with Specialized Libraries

DBRX supports optimized inference capabilities through two libraries: TensorRT-LLM and vLLM. These libraries are designed to streamline the execution process and enhance efficiency.

  • TensorRT-LLM: This library offers integration with NVIDIA’s TensorRT framework, a platform for optimizing deep learning models for deployment on various hardware platforms. While support for DBRX is currently under development (pending pull request merge), upon integration, TensorRT-LLM will allow for optimized inference, potentially enabling faster execution and potentially reducing resource requirements, especially for tasks requiring high-performance computing.
  • vLLM: This alternative library provides a framework for efficient inference of large language models. Refer to the vLLM documentation for detailed instructions on leveraging this library to run DBRX.

Fine-tuning DBRX for Tailored Performance

DBRX provides the potential for fine-tuning, allowing users to customize its performance for specific tasks or domains. The open-source library LLM Foundry by Databricks offers an example script that demonstrates how to fine-tune DBRX. This involves training the model on a dataset tailored to the desired domain or task, enabling it to specialize in a particular area and potentially improve its performance on those specific tasks.

Demystifying the DBRX Open-Source License: Freedom with Responsibility

DBRX’s open-source nature is a major advantage, but it comes with a set of guidelines outlined in the Databricks Open Model License. Understanding these terms is crucial for responsible use. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  • Open to All: You have the freedom to use, modify, and distribute DBRX for non-commercial purposes.
  • Attribution Required: When sharing DBRX or its derivatives, a simple notice acknowledging the Databricks Open Model License ensures transparency.
  • Respecting Boundaries: DBRX can’t be used to improve other LLMs (except DBRX itself) or for any activities violating laws and regulations.
  • Maintaining Ownership: Databricks retains ownership of DBRX, while you own any modifications you create (DBRX Derivatives).
  • Disclaimer and Limitation: DBRX is provided “as is” without warranty, and Databricks isn’t liable for any indirect damages arising from its use.

The Open-Source Future of DBRX

Databricks’ commitment to open-source development extends beyond just making DBRX itself readily available. They are actively promoting collaboration and innovation by:

  • Sharing Training Tools and Methods: Databricks is making the tools and methodologies used to create DBRX available to the wider community. This empowers researchers, developers, and enthusiasts to potentially develop their own custom LLMs in the future. Imagine the potential of tailoring a large language model to a specific industry or research area!
  • Fostering a Thriving Community: Databricks envisions a vibrant community surrounding DBRX. By providing open access to the model and its development tools, they encourage collaboration among researchers, developers, and enthusiasts. This collaborative spirit can accelerate innovation in the field of LLMs and unlock new possibilities.


In conclusion, DBRX stands as a significant contribution to the open-source LLM landscape: its impressive performance, coupled with its open availability and the potential for community-driven innovation, positions DBRX as a powerful tool for shaping the future of artificial intelligence.

While some technical challenges remain, the active development of DBRX and the open-source approach adopted by Databricks hold a nice promise for future advancements in the field of large language models.

( text taken from this page from )

