My First Guide Call

1 min readFeb 17, 2019


Saturday 7:00 pm was the time slot given to me for the guide call. I had already selected Dhanya Sreekumar as my program guide. Right at 7:00 pm we started our guide call. Even though I was a little nervous in the beginning the whole mood started to change because of her warm and friendly behaviour. Also, there was Pravitha O.P present under her guidance, who is one of my college mates but never had the chance to connect with her properly in the past.

Dhanya had studied the SFDs we sent to her beforehand, and we discussed quite a time about it. She gave us directions on how we should improve writing it. We also put our heads together about short term and long term goal and on selecting the interviewees.

On the last note, she also asked us why we selected her and suggested we could have picked any other expertized guide. She also advised us never to lose the opportunity to connect with great people who can really help us mould a better future.

But by that short time of our discussion, she turned a boon companion to me.

It was quite a wonderful and productive time we shared together.

