The Week That Was-1(Feb 3–9, 2019)

2 min readFeb 10, 2019


It’ s a new beginning for me. The announcement mail of WIT Cohort 2 came on January last week and the entry to that was for all the WITx learners. At the instant I saw the mail, my mind filled with all the beautiful learning experiences I gained with those two weeks and without thinking a second I filled out the form. The news of awarding top graduates of the WIT program a with exposure scholarships also attracted my attention.

On Feb 1, we had an open house in the evening. It was my first experience of going live video conferencing. It was a nice event that happened that day.

February 7, 2019:

That day Arya’s email arrived discussing the warm-up activities to complete before the kick start of WIT programme. These were the activities given to us,

  • A tutorial video on Dialogflow
  • Read and analyze an article
  • To share thoughts on three given concepts

Even though it was a self-learning module, Arya’s detailed mail discussing on critical thinking and importance of tutorial videos helped me a lot in completing all those activities.

How Tutorial Helps One

February 9, 2019:

A Chat-a-thon was held at 7 PM by Mridula and Elsa, graduates of WIT Cohort 1. The aim of meeting up in our Telegram group was to find our respective program guides from the given list. The list contained the previous wit learners and scholarship recipients.

I mailed Dhanya Sreekumar, WIT Cohort 1 graduate and WIT — GHCI 2018 Scholar. I received a confirmation mail sent by her and I felt totally happy.

I got the chance to learn many new things and brushed up many concepts like:

  • How to create a tutorial video
  • Critical thinking
  • Tips on managing and writing emails.

P.S: I also explored the new learning community of Rethink in Discourse discussion board.

Looking forward in the coming weeks of WIT Cohort 2:-)

