With the series The Most Beautiful Places

Bruges City

Elon Hearst
3 min readAug 24, 2022
Bruges City. Photo by Gotta Be Worth It on pexels

Bruges is a city located in Belgium. It was founded by the Franks in 819 AD. During the Middle Ages it became a major port and trading center. Over time the city became rich due to its location at the mouth of the Scheldt. The city’s economy has changed several times over the past few years century. At first the city was mainly agricultural. It later developed into a manufacturing center especially after the discovery of oil in the area in 1892. After World War II the city’s economy declined. However since the 1990s the city has undergone a revival. Today the city is Many companies specialize in finance insurance real estate trade and industry. There are also many shops restaurants hotels museums and entertainment venues.

Photo by Gotta Be Worth It on pexels

The city of Bruges is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The list includes sites and buildings deemed to be of outstanding cultural importance. The city is known for its medieval architecture including Gothic architecture churches and chapels. The most famous structure is Cathedral of Our Lady of Ghent. It was built between 1225 and 1430. The tower dates back to the 13th century century.

There is a statue of…



Elon Hearst

I'm Elon Hearst, a passionate trader and investor with a heart that beats for adventure.