@ElonJet just got ElonJetted

Elon's Tax
2 min readFeb 15, 2022


By now we all heard of the ElonJet project…

Paying zero regard to Elon Musk’s right to privacy and safety, ElonJet’screator Jack Sweeney tracks the private jet of Elon and makes every Elon´s move public in real-time to any potential wacko and crackpot out there.

Now, imagine Jack if someone was tracking your Snapchat geolocation — broadcasting your exact whereabouts all over the world in real-time.
How would you like that?

Ooops. Did we just do that?

No worries. Under no circumstances are we going to publish that… No paparazzis in our team; we´re simply making a point.

Let’s be serious.

We heard in several interviews that you would shut down the tracker for $50k. Here is an offer for the benefit of all parties — but we do ask something in return.

While we acknowledge your technical super talent and obvious entrepreneurial spirit, it could be put to better use.

We ask of you to bury this project as soon as possible and turn your focus back to school, or even join our project. Once Elonjet is shut down and our movement raises at least $1 million for Elon, we undertake to cover your expected future college tuitions, in full, for whatever college education you are striving for.

Reach out to us on Snapchat or Telegram (elonstaxadm) anytime for a discussion.

Oh, and how we did it?



Elon's Tax

Helping Elon with his tax bill. #$11billion