Elpis Investments
5 min readFeb 22, 2018


The ups and downs of the crypto currency markets has lately and constantly made the headlines and kept the attention focused on the debate about the future of Bitcoin and other cryptos alike. The FinTech sector is deeply involved in the debate, with particular attention towards the regulatory issues that emerged along the way. A debate that has progressively involved institutions at national and international levels, with the recent US Senate hearing of the SEC and CFTC chairmen J. Clayton and J. C. Giancarlo, as a further sign of how relevant this issue has become.

At Elpis we are working relentlessly on the issue and we have identified, among others approaches, the need for self-regulation as a possible and viable way to start tackling the matter from our perspective of innovators that are willing to contribute in defining a more efficient and transparent market.

As said, all these attentions towards the regulatory matters are certainly incredibly relevant and the debate is healthy and hopefully will bring some real and effective change moving forward. But, it has generated a too radical shift of focus from what it is at stake here: the revolution in the investing landscape that is happening, thanks to the contribution of radically innovative approaches to investing that startups like Elpis are bringing and keep on working onas hard as possible.

Offering the market an innovative, transparent and efficient investing system, is our way to contribute in answering that call for more responsible and transparent practices that we felt emerging in the last months and that was reinforced by the recent US Senate hearing on cryptocurrencies. The innovative and savvy use of technologies like AI and Machine Learning and Deep Learning has the potential to answer the crescent demand for more transparency, efficiency and fairness.

In the middle of all the noise surrounding the FinTech sector, ICOs, and cryptos at large, the signs of the relevance and effectiveness of the innovative path we have undertaken, was recently reassured by a PWC report that has gauged the potential of AI between now and 2030. What the report found out is not completely surprising for us, but it is still worth pointing out the real scope of AI technologies’ impact across the boarders of the economic spectrum.

In fact, the report points out that: “AI could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy in 2030.” The numbers are mind blowing: “more than the current output of China and India combined. Of this, $6.6 trillion is likely to come from increased productivity and $9.1 trillion is likely to come from consumption-side effects.”

For all those talking about an Artificial Intelligence “bubble,” this might (rather: it should) sound like a wake up call: Artificial Intelligence is here and it is here to stay. Moreover: its already a reliable technology and particularly so when talking of trading and investing.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning are Artificial Intelligence technologies that allow systems to learn and improve from experience, i.e. finding patterns in data and adjusting program actions accordingly. At Elpis we are continuing the development of our Machine Learning investing system, with a clear purpose: maximising the efficiency of our tailored strategies while minimising the costs for our clients.

Our goal is to offer the market an effective investing system that is innovative in its use of technology and in the underlying vision that has inspired its creation: the AI technologies are the instruments to break an old approach and the monopoly of trading by traditional investment managers, with their heavy and costly structures, their lack of results in responding to the vast availability of data, and a general lack of efficiency and transparency.

Another endorsement to the role of AI in changing the game of investing and wealth management has come from the Thomson Reuters report “2018 AI Predictions.” It says: “AI technologies powering the next generation of tools will help them augment and expand their services.”

At Elpis we are using an AI-based investing system because it allows for executing the tasks that the reports describes: “better analysis of risks and opportunities, real-time monitoring, data-driven recommendations, advanced models, predictive analytics.”

The reports points out how “AI can help integrate and monitor data from a huge set of sources and identify what is important, what matters to individual clients:” to produce precisely those tailored strategies that are based on the needs of the investors that we at Elpis are developing and offering the market.

The future developments on the regulatory front will certainly greatly affect the development of the crypto and ICOs markets. And Elpis, like every other FinTech startup with a real business project and a strong vision for the future of investing, will contribute in determining the shape of those markets. But, first and foremost, we will continue on the development of our technology-based investing system. Artificial Intelligence, as we saw, is well and here to stay and transform the way we invest. The future is already here, and the issues to face are many and multifaceted. The path towards successfully overcome all the challenges is to keep on focusing on the tasks at hand, with clear objectives. This are the basis for a worthy, really innovative ICO. Elpis focus never shifted from what matters the most: developing an effective, transparent and efficient AI-based investing system.

If you want to join the investing revolution, check our Crypto-ICO atwww.elpisinvestments.com, to know more about Elpis ICO.

Giuseppe Solinas

Chief Editor of Elpis Investments, The first AI Crypto-Assets Investment Fund: www.elpisinvestments.com, info@elpisinvestments.com



Elpis Investments

The First Artificial Intelligence Crypto-Assets Trading company on blockchain