Restart Energy and MWAT token

In depth research about Restart Energy blockchain project and MWAT token

11 min readApr 10, 2019

What is Restart Energy?

Restart Energy Democracy (RED) is a blockchain-powered platform, backed by Restart Energy — a European energy provider with 20 million USD in revenues. The company was built with a vision to democratize the energy sector and quash the dominance of legacy monopolies in the energy world. The company’s credentials include a customer base of 30,000 household clients and 5,000 corporate clients.

Restart Energy is developing the world’s first peer-to-peer, fully decentralized energy transfer platform allowing users to send and receive energy worldwide, based on its proprietary virtual balancing system, that uses A.I., Big Data, and IoT technologies. The RED ecosystem is comprised of the RED-Platform, RED-Franchise, and MWAT Tokens.

I recommend you to read their blog and whitepaper for better understanding of this project.

MWAT tokens

MWAT tokens are crypto-tokens that enable the buying and selling of up to 1 MWh of electricity per month on the RED-Platform Software and will facilitate the development of affordable clean energy, through free-market practices. Upon completion of registration on the platform, an initial loyalty bonus of 0.11 kWh is applied. Producers send out monthly loyalty bonuses through the RED Loyalty System, totalling 1–5% of traded on-grid energy in exchange for access to the RED Platform.

MWAT token is the key to access and use Restart Energy Platform, and it comes with multiple utilities.

Passive income

MWAT holders will receive 0.11 kWh for every MWAT token they hold. If you hold 100,000 MWAT you will receive 11,000 kWh. This is a one time bonus, that will be given to MWAT holders who will register on RED platform in a specific period of time after the platform is launched (1–30 days).

If you hold MWAT, make sure you register on RED platform as soon as it’s launched, so you can claim the initial bonus of 0.11 kWh / 1 MWAT. At current MWAT price, you will recover more than half of your investment just from the initial bonus.

Don’t worry, this is not the only free money you will get.

All producers on RED platform will donate 1 to 5% of the energy they produce, every month, to MWAT holders.

That means you will receive free kWh (which you can sell or consume, is up to you) every month, based on your staking percentage.

Why will producers donate? Because thanks to Restart Platform they will be able to sell their energy 30% higher than on traditional markets, and in the same time customers will buy that energy 30% cheaper than local market.

Is a win win situation for everyone.


The RED-Franchise is the first power retail franchise to simplify and allow any company or entrepreneur to operate their own power utility enterprise, enabling them to start selling energy in more than 35 deregulated energy markets globally.

With MWAT you can start your own business. Here’s how:

Owning sufficient MWAT grants the holder free access to the RED Franchises as follows:

  • 10,000 MWAT - RED City Franchise - allows the token holder to broker energy sales in their city of choice within their country of residence.
  • 100,000 MWAT - RED Regional Franchise - allows the token holder to broker energy sales in an entire region of their country of residence.
  • 1,000,000 MWAT - RED Country Franchise - allows the token holder to broker energy sales in their entire country of residence.
  • 10,000,000 MWAT - RED Master Franchise - gives the token holder country exclusivity regarding the brokering of energy sales and the option to create sub-franchises inside their country of residence (can be more or less than 10,000,000 MWAT, depending on country population - see the country list in the link below).

You can apply for a RED Franchise here:

Buy or Sell Electricity

All transactions on RED-P will need MWAT tokens. When you subscribe to a producer, your energy bills will be paid in MWAT. The coolest part is that this is the only option you have, so MWAT utility increases substantially.

I wrote more details about this in the Market Place section, below.

A vehicle for storing and trading kWh

Each MWAT token can hold up to 1,000 kWh and also enables the buying or selling of 1,000 kWh per month on the RED Platform. Thus, it can be said that MWAT tokens are a vehicle for storing and trading kWh.

Remember, all the buys and sells are made using MWAT.

Restart Energy is offering full services (solar panels, installation, accountancy, financing, know-how) for solar panel systems (household clients) and solar panel farms (companies, towns, cities).

For Household Clients

Restart Energy offers multiple options for household clients who want to benefit from the free solar energy. With just a few clicks you can configure your solar panel system and add some cool accessory to it.

The first step is choosing the type of your solar panel system. You have 3 options:

  1. On-Grid: The energy you don’t use will be sent to Restart Energy through the RED platform, where you will receive MWAT tokens in exchange for energy surplus. You also get a smart wireless meter that enables you to see in real time how much you consume and how much you produce.
  2. Off-Grid: Energy surplus is stored in powerpack batteries and used when needed. With the battery system you will become autonomous.
  3. Hybrid: With powerpack batteries that inject excess power into the grid after charging the batteries, so you can make money from selling surplus energy, but also have a backup system in cloudy days.
On-Grid solar panel system

Second step is choosing the power you need. The above picture is for On-Grid system.

3 KW

You will produce: 300 KWh /month *
Annual energy: 3600 KWh
Annual savings: $450
Price: $8,000VAT and assembly included
Monthly rate: $223 (5 years financing through BRD Finance)
Incremental savings over the solar system lifetime >$25,000
Solar panels warranty: 25 years
Access to RED platform included

4 KW

You will produce: 400 KWh /month *
Annual energy: 4800 KWh
Annual savings: $600
Price: $8,750 VAT and assembly included
Monthly rate: $243 (5 years financing through BRD Finance)
Incremental savings over the solar system lifetime >$30,000
Solar panels warranty: 25 years
Access to RED platform included

5 KW

You will produce: 500 KWh /month *
Annual energy: 6000 KWh
Annual savings: $750
Price: $10,500 VAT and assembly included
Monthly rate: $288 (5 years financing through BRD Finance)
Incremental savings over the solar system lifetime >$37,500
Solar panels warranty: 25 years
Access to RED platform included

For me, the 3rd step is the coolest. You can add 3 accessory to your solar panel system, although Crypto-mining is not available yet.

Powerpack Batteries: if you need more energy storage.

EV Charging Station: for your electric or hybrid car.

Crypto-mining: if you want to use the surplus energy for mining cryptocurrencies. Restart Energy will set up the mining rig for you, and you can start mining and make money right away.

For Producers

People who want to start a business in renewable energy industry will have everything they need to build a successful company. They can apply for a custom offer based on the size of the solar farm they want to own.

40 Solar Farms

Restart Energy has already built 40 solar farms for different companies, and from now on every solar farm will have RED Wi-Fi smart meters installed for real-time monitoring. They will also be connected to RED Platform, the Energy Trading Platform that uses MWAT tokens.

| Parc Fotovoltaic = Solar Park/Farm | Location | Putere = Power | Company/Beneficiary

RED-P • Electrical Energy Marketplace

RED Platform is a marketplace where producers and prosumers (household clients who have surplus energy) will be able to sell their electrical energy for fair prices to consumers. Consumers can choose the best price and the source of the electrical energy they want: solar, water, wind.

Thanks to this revolutionary platform, producers can sell their energy even 30% higher than on traditional markets, and in the same time customers can buy that energy 30% cheaper than local market price.

Is like going to and choosing the best product for your needs at cheapest price.

For all transactions on RED-P (buying/selling) you will use MWAT tokens. When you subscribe to a producer, your energy bills will be paid in MWAT. The coolest part is that this is the only option you have, so MWAT utility increases substantially.

To make things easy for everyone, Restart Energy team will introduce 2 services for both consumers and producers.


Will be able to buy MWAT directly with their Credit Cards.


Will be able to exchange MWAT for fiat currencies directly on the RED Platform, thanks to an integrated Swap Exchange (like Shapeshift, Changelly etc.). (beta)
Restart Energy Mobile App

Restart Energy Exchange

Restart Energy has acquired an exchange license in the country of Estonia, that will enable its customers to buy MWAT directly from the RED Platform, with a credit card!

This newest development is part of ongoing efforts to streamline the process of acquiring energy — not only for the added ease of use it presents but, more importantly, in order to demystify the acquisition of MWAT token from the perspective of non crypto users, and thus open the platform to a broader audience.

You will find more info in this blog post:

Restart Energy current customers

Throughout its 4 year existence since being founded in Timisoara, Restart Energy became a trustworthy supplier for 30,000 household clients and 5,000 companies, with over 500 million KWh registered due to the fact that it’s the first Romanian company who offers the possibility of changing your supplier online, with no bureaucracy.

One of the biggest business clients are Profi, Medlife, Alumil, Bioclinica, Valeo, Wetterbest and Cottontex.

Profi is a retail network of supermarkets with 942 locations in Romania, and over 1 billion dollar annual revenue.

MedLife, another big customer of Restart Energy, has 50 clinics, 20 hyperclinics, 33 laboratories, 10 hospitals, 10 pharmacies, and 9 dental centers.

Partnership with one of Europe’s largest telecom companies

Armand Doru Domuta, Restart Energy CEO:

Restart Energy started a pilot program with one of Europe’s largest telecom companies with 70+ billion Euro turnover and tens of millions of customers for onboarding energy consumers (more details will be disclosed at a later date).

If I would have to guess which company is that, I would say it’s Deutsche Telekom AG.

I’ve made this assumption based on 4 facts:

  • Deutsche Telekom had a revenue of 75.66 billion Euro in 2018;
  • Deutsche Telekom is present in Romania through Telekom Romania;
  • Deutsche Telekom has 178 million mobile customers.
  • The 2 other big telecom companies presented in Romania (Vodafone and Orange) have a revenue of ~40 billion Euro each, so I’ve excluded them.

Please remember that this is purely my opinion and there was no official announcement from Restart Energy regarding the name of the telecom company that is currently testing RED platform!

Partnership with the largest energy service provider

Recently, Restart Energy has concluded partnership procedures with one of the biggest energy traders in Europe, namely Alpiq SE, who is headquartered in Switzerland. Through this collaboration the company will seek to diversify energy sources by branching out into multiple energy markets in Europe. This will lead to an increase in provision safety as well as risk reduction on the market and acquisition cost optimization for Restart Energy consumers.

Restart Energy in Guinness World Book of Records

24,000 kilometers | 3,000 towns and cities | 150 EV Charging Stations | 100 days

Electric Tour powered by Restart Energy will be the longest ride ever made with an electric car. The finish line is at Timisoara, on 22th April, which also marks the Earth’s Day.

This is social awareness campaign about our actions that can impact the environment we are living in.

Restart Energy promotes a sustainable way of life based on renewable energy.

Why I think this project is a gold mine

  • Restart Energy is an already well established company with annual revenues of over $20,000,000. They know how to run this business and expand it. They have the man power to take this to the next level.
  • They have tens of thousands of clients, from household clients to very big companies.
  • Restart Energy has already built 40 solar farms and they are offering full services for future entrepreneus who want to start a business in the renewable energy field.
  • They’ve made partnerships with big companies that will help them expand all over the world, and another huge partnership is on its way.
  • They have brilliant developers that already achieved 2.5 million TX/s on a brand new blockchain infrastructure. More about this in the coming article.
  • MWAT token economics is superb. You have so many options to use it and is a vital component in Restart Energy Ecosystem.
  • I’ve seen a similar project with less development than this one, reaching over $600,000,000 in market capitalization in the last bull run.

