Leveraging Orange Software for Image Analysis in Healthcare and Traffic Management

Elsa Saji
4 min readJan 13, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of data mining and machine learning, the significance of accessible yet powerful tools cannot be overstated. Orange, an open-source gem, stands at the intersection of simplicity and sophistication, providing a dynamic platform for the exploration, analysis, and visualization of intricate image datasets. It provides a visual programming interface that allows users to interactively create and modify workflows using a drag-and-drop interface. This blog post aims to showcase the educational prowess of Orange, highlighting its applicability in image classification for traffic sign recognition and image clustering for lung X-rays.

Orange — Data Mining

Image Classification for Traffic Sign Recognition

Machine learning plays a pivotal role in enhancing the capabilities of self-driving cars and traffic management systems. Orange facilitates image analysis through classification, particularly in recognizing traffic signs. By utilizing Orange’s visual programming interface, users can build and train models for identifying various traffic signs, contributing to the development of intelligent systems crucial for road safety.

Classification work flow in Orange

I have used Logistic Regression to build the classification model. The nodes shown in the work flow are drag and drop entities. The initial image uploading is the only major step to do. For this, I collected images and put them into 5 categories: stop sign, wait sign, go sign, go left sign and go right sign as we see in traffic signals. I had close to 65 images. After running the model, the below results were obtained.

Test and Score for 2 fold cross validation
Confusion Matrix for the model

As we can see, majority of the values are predicted correctly. This is also supported by AUC of 0.831, CA of 0.635, F1 score of 0.633, precision of 0.662, recall of 0.635, and MCC of 0.514. And all this was possible in a few minutes easily without any code.

Orange enables the classification of traffic signs, aiding autonomous vehicles in real-time decision-making and navigation. Implementing Orange for traffic sign classification supports intelligent traffic control systems, optimizing traffic flow and minimizing congestion. Image analysis using Orange can enhance pedestrian safety by ensuring that self-driving cars accurately interpret and respond to pedestrian crossing signs. By classifying road signs, Orange contributes to the monitoring of road infrastructure, helping authorities identify areas in need of maintenance or improvements. Orange’s image classification capabilities can be employed to recognize emergency vehicle signs, enabling quicker responses and ensuring the safety of emergency services.

Image Clustering for Lung X-ray Analysis

In the healthcare domain, Orange proves valuable for clustering images, particularly in the analysis of lung X-rays. This functionality allows for the categorization of X-ray images into groups such as healthy lungs, smokers’ lungs, and pneumonia-affected lungs, aiding medical professionals in diagnostic and treatment decision-making.

Clustering workflow in Orange

Here, a clustering model was built and almost 10 images were used in this model. The ‘Distances’ node you see uses cosine similarity formula to calculate the similarity between features for clustering.

Image Clustering in Orange

Orange’s clustering capabilities assist in the accurate diagnosis of lung diseases, facilitating timely and effective medical interventions. By categorizing X-rays through clustering, healthcare providers can tailor treatment plans based on the specific lung conditions identified. Researchers can use Orange for clustering lung X-rays to gain insights into the prevalence and patterns of different lung conditions within specific populations. The ability to cluster X-rays streamlines radiology workflows, allowing for efficient triaging of cases and prioritizing urgent diagnoses. Orange’s clustering functionality supports public health initiatives by enabling the identification of trends and outbreaks related to respiratory diseases.

Orange’s capabilities in image classification and clustering extend beyond the boundaries of any single industry. From enhancing road safety through traffic sign recognition to contributing to precise healthcare diagnostics, Orange empowers users to unlock valuable insights from diverse image datasets, fostering advancements in technology, healthcare and other domains.

