Latinográficas: Open call for visual journalists to fight disinformation in Latin America

A program to combine the rigour of good journalism with the power of images

El Surtidor
2 min readSep 1, 2020

Disinformation is one of the greatest challenges to build quality conversations, advance common goals and strengthen democracies in our region. During the pandemic, it’s become a greater risk to public health.

Under these circumstances, journalism has become even more relevant and necessary. Audiences have a right to access information — information that is reliable to make better decisions. Visual journalism has the potential to counter the force that drives disinformation, an antidote to the kind of urgent debates that we should have and which is attracting larger numbers of young people in Latin America.

This is the reason behind Latinográficas, a program launched by El Surtidor, an independent news outlet from Paraguay. Through the program, the team will share its experience with visual production to other newsrooms and journalistic networks in Latin America. Our goal is to expand the creation of visual contents that combine the rigour of good journalism with the power of images.

In its very first edition, the goal is bring together journalists, illustrators, designers and editors to transform quality reporting about the pandemic into visual pieces that are easy to read, understand, remix and share right at the place where disinformation becomes more harmful: social media and messaging apps like WhatsApp.

A call for those interested in taking part of the program is open until September 13th. The applicants who get selected will receive a grant to support their involvement and will have access to mentorship and hands-on workshops with El Surtidor’s team during two months.

They will also receive master classes and interviews about non-fiction graphic novels with Joe Sacco 🇲🇹 journalism and the arts with Seba Hacher 🇦🇷 and political graphic humour with María Teresa Ronderos 🇨🇴 With two lightning talks, the works of thirteen news outlets that are experimenting visual journalism will be showcased — Animal Politíco 🇲🇽 OjoPúblico 🇵🇪 Revista Barcelona 🇦🇷 Agência Pública 🇧🇷 and El Chigüire Bipolar 🇻🇪 These and the master classes will be open for the public.

The visual production of Latinográficas will be free for use and all the learnings from the program will be published in an open handbook for newsrooms.

Latinográficas gets support from Facebook’s COVID-19 Latin America News Relief Fund Grant Program and the International Centre For Journalists, the European Journalism Centre and the Program on Independent Journalism.

If you want to apply, the terms and conditions are available here.



El Surtidor

Surtimos historias desafiantes desde la región mas desigual del mundo