How to Be Responsible with Cannabis

Elton Creamer
3 min readSep 1, 2018


Cannabis is great for the body, and it can produce some amazing effects in some people.

But like with any substance, it needs to be used in a responsible manner.

Here, we’ll go over how you can be responsible with cannabis in a safe, and effective way.

Only give it to People 21+

Just like with some drugs and alcohol, this substance should be saved for those above 21. This is because it does affect those who are younger.

While there are many who did experiment during their teenage years, it impacts the mental health and brain development that you have later on in life.

Don’t consume Cannabis and Drive

Just like with alcohol, this is not something you need to consume and drive with.

Cannabis does impact our judgment, the ability to react to others, and the coordination of our motor skills, which does make it not safe to have before you go behind the wheel.

Those who are responsible as cannabis owners should never go for a drive after a blunt or an edible. It does put you and other people at risk.

Be mindful of How you Use It

This is something that a lot of people think they don’t have to do, but here’s the thing, some people don’t realize that if they aren’t smart with this, it can cause bad trips and hallucinogenic moments in this case.

Those who use cannabis can make sure that they don’t have a bad experience while high.

Set is your mental state when you use this. Being in good mental health and a good mental state will enhance the experience. It usually forces us to face things that we suppress, and that can not be settling for some.

You should also be mindful of where you’re doing this. Where do you vape and smoke. Do you like THC in party spaces or crowded spaces, or would you prefer just to be alone.

Be smart with how you use it, and you’ll be able to create a more productive reaction, and a better relationship with this too.

Don’t Be Abusive

This should be simple.

But some people end up getting a dependance over this, and it can sometimes impair your personal development, health, and what you achieve. Some of us are better about cannabis use than others and being able to have this boundary healthily in place is good.

For those who tend to have the tendency to be addictive, you need to be mindful of finding a balance, and maybe be mindful of how much you use before it gets really bad for you.

Respect Others

Finally, remember that not everyone is open to using cannabis and that’s okay.

Some people have bad experiences with weed, and it may not be what people like. Some people don’t like the smell of it too, and it affects them.

If you use a blunt at the park or at a bus stop, that’s rude and intrusive to others. Some people don’t like to use the herb in spaces like this because of the smell.

Be mindful of this, and if you’re hanging out with someone who doesn’t smoke cannabis, then don’t try to pressure them into using this.

That way, everyone’s happy and able to be satisfied, and from there, everyone will be much happier as well.

Being mindful and respecting others during medical marijuana use is important and knowing how to use this responsibly is a good way to prevent problems not only in the temporary state of things, but also down the line as well too.

