“I didn’t expect your voice to sound like this…”

6 min readJan 2, 2019


Is anyone familiar with the musical, The Phantom of the Opera?

It tells the story of the Phantom and Raoul falling in love with Christine Daeé because of her voice, and it is the musical that inspired me to practice musical theatre, and I always wondered, why don’t things like that happen in real life?

Fun fact: I’ve watched The Phantom of The Opera live on Broadway *8 times*. (Source: Broadway World)


As a professional single person (and third wheel), I use dating apps quite often, and I’ve been on both good and bad dates thanks to those apps.

Popular dating apps consistently build around one certain narrative: they resemble real-life human experiences. You meet someone, see their face, start conversations, then either develop a kind of relationship, or move on. However, in those apps, one key element of real-life interaction is missing: you can’t hear the other person, and that brought forward a few problems in dating apps.

After conducting polls and interviews with more than 50 participants, I condensed the results into a few main points:

“I didn’t expect your voice to sound like this…”

70% of people I’ve talked to said that they have gotten surprised by their dates’ voice before, and half of those surprises were negative ones. Currently, the only dating app with the voice messaging feature is Grindr, but I am not quite sure why someone on Grindr might want to send a voice message instead of pictures of their 🍆 or 🍑.

“It’s all about looks.”

Most dating apps make users’ appearances at priority, and make it easy for the users to swipe. 36% of the interviewees said that they swipe on people without reading profiles, but the thing is, people are more than a mere picture.

“We don’t talk anymore.”

Not the aftermath of bad dates, but literally, people don’t know how to converse anymore. 65% of people responded that they felt nervous when they talked in person with their dates instead of when they texted.

Prototype Version 1.0

After conducting interviews and designing a low fidelity prototype, I made this animated interactive prototype in Sketch and Flinto, and here are the solutions I came up with in response to the problems.

Problem: “I didn’t expect your voice to sound like this…”

Solution: The only way of chatting in this app is by talking (02:53)
In Matchat, people can only send voice messages. No text, no photos (except for profile pictures).

Problem: “It’s all about looks.”

Solution 1: Profiles will only show blurry pictures when people first swipe (01:53)
After two people match, the more they talk to each other, the less blurred the pictures become.
Solution 2: Page based profile (01:53)
Each profile is formatted to look like a miniature blog, and people can only pass on or like a profile with the buttons on the top of the page which is harder to reach than buttons on the bottom.

Problem: “We don’t talk anymore.”

Solution: Audio self-introduction and answers to 3 questions in profiles (01:30)
People introduce themselves in their profile with their own voice, and answer questions that function as conversation starters.

User Testing and Feedback

After presenting the prototype to my class, guest critics from the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and my friends, I received mostly positive feedback. People especially appreciated my considerations of the role of ethics in design, but we noticed some issues that I overlooked:

“I don’t feel safe or comfortable “liking” someone who I can’t see.”

As I mentioned above, existing dating apps are successful because they resemble real-life experience when people meet each other. Despite the fact that Matchat offers a voice feature, users still miss out on the imagery offered in other dating apps. Solution to follow ;)

“I don’t know how to introduce myself.”

People spend hours crafting their written dating profile. Although there is no written dating profiles in Matchat, people are required to record a “profile message”. Some people feel more comfortable with speaking whereas others don’t. To counter this friction in the UX, I added sample profiles for people to listen to, in order to help them record the message.

“Does this app auto-play profile message?”

Nobody likes auto-play. I repeat. Nobody. My first iteration did not take this into account, but I have solved this issue in the new version.

“I really don’t care about voice/the set up process is too complicated”

Get Tinder here ➡️ www.tinder.com
Jokes aside, on one hand, this app does face a more limited target audience than generic dating apps. On the other hand, the somewhat complicated onboarding process filters out people who are not serious enough about finding a relationship. However, the recording screen did feel unnecessary after I tested the prototype with people, so I simplified the recording process.

“The blog-looking layout is nice but…”

People agreed that the page based layout made it harder for people to swipe through the profiles, but they can push the buttons quickly to achieve the same thing. Also, people thought that the photos were related to the audio clips which they were not.

Prototype Version 2.0

Sign in

People can register with their phone number, and there is no requirement to connect to a social network account. Gender options include male, female and customized input.

Profile message

Instead of writing a profile, people introduce themselves with their voices. Examples are provided in the app to inspire people just in case.The color of the progress bar in the ‘hold to record’ feature changes from red to yellow to green to encourage people to talk more. Users then have the chance to record again if they are not satisfied with their initial recording.

Questions as conversation starters

Now people don’t have to start every conversation with “Hey how’s it going!” or “How was your weekend?”

Countdown before auto-playing profiles

The app automatically plays profile messages 3 seconds after it is launched.

Blurred profile picture becomes clearer as the profile message plays

Only the first photo is gradually un-blurred and shown to people before they match, which builds up trust, and encourages positive engagement when they decide to match (or not).

Like/dislike buttons become activated after 5 seconds

In order to prevent users from swiping aimlessly, the like/dislike buttons become activated after the profile message plays for 5 seconds.

Sending voice messages before matching

Users can choose to respond to messages they receive even before they match.

Voice messages only

People can only chat by sending voice messages.

Non-featured profile photos are revealed gradually

The longer people talk, the clearer the rest of the photos become. The indicator next to the conversation suggests how far away it is to unblur the rest of the photos.

Challenges & Next Steps

There are a few key questions that I need to answer about the functionality of the app. For example, how can I decide the threshold of un-blurring a profile picture after people start talking?

Currently, I am building the minimal viable product as a one-person team. If you are interested in hearing more about, it or you are an iOS developer and want to work on it together, feel free to shoot me an email at elvin_hu (at) outlook (dot) com!

Thank you for reading! For more projects like this, stay tuned for future articles or visit my portfolio site at https://www.elvin-hu.com 🎉 Currently I am looking for an internship opportunity for Summer 2019, if you are either hiring for your team or just wanna chat about design, don’t hesitate to reach out 😊

