Skeuomorphism: The UX Trend That Defined Our App Experiences

Elvis Hsiao
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2023


How Real-World Imitation in UX Design Has Revolutionized Our Digital Landscape


What is Skeuomorphism?

Skeuomorphism is a UX design trend that has made a significant impact on the way digital interfaces are created and perceived. It involves designing interface elements to resemble their real-world counterparts, making it easier for users to understand and engage with the digital environment. In this article, we will delve into the concept of skeuomorphism, its history, benefits, and drawbacks, as well as examples of its application in modern digital design.

Understanding Skeuomorphism

The term “skeuomorphism” is derived from the Greek words “skeuos” meaning vessel or tool and “morphe” meaning shape. In the context of UX design, skeuomorphism refers to the replication of physical objects, textures, and materials in digital interfaces.

This design philosophy aims to make digital experiences more intuitive and familiar to users by drawing upon their existing knowledge of the physical world.

History of Skeuomorphism in UX Design

Skeuomorphism can be traced back to the early days of graphical user interfaces. In the 1980s, designers at…



Elvis Hsiao

Product Designer | 3X Top Writer | Vancouver, BC | Creating Positive Impact Through Design.