2 min readOct 8, 2020

Don’t be limited 👊

For a long time I kept wondering if am really worthy to live. My life was just but a struggle in everything.it was linear since I had only one thing in mind, read to succeed.My trouble was how is it even possible with lots of Degrees of doubt?

All my speculations and all my worries was all brought down within the 4 months I enrolled in lapid, a great team indeed..

The introduction class was just enough to transform me..” you cannot judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree”😂😂..it is funny maybe but then it is true..the fish will definitely failed and ends up taking himself as the failure which is false… give the fish the right environment 🤗…

Look at the amazing journey of self discovery. most streotypes have been created in our minds about us, what you study is what feeds you, your line of study is all what you will succeed in, that is just a false thing, education is just a tool, a tool to be used to prosper.

I will not make my story long ,but what I will not forget to say is that am now and independent thinker, I don’t seek accolades and approval to do something, am independent, I got a perfect mystery of where am to go and am not at all limited in my ventures. I got several opportunities.

Don’t wonder how does this all happen?How can LLA transform and improve a person mindset. In kiswahili , wahenga wakanena , “ usiandikie mate ilhali wino upo”..

Join the tribe and taste the feeling.i can’t jottle down all what I have experienced in Lapid ,they are numerous.You are not late join the October intake and be part of freedom..

By Rotich