Are Oasis and the Plimsouls kind of the same band?

2 min readSep 28, 2023

On first glance the answer would be no. To start with they were located thousands of miles away from each other (not a million miles? OK I tried).

One is from Manchester in the UK (one of the colder parts of England). The other is from sunny Southern California.

The other issue would be time frame. Oasis started playing in the early 90’s, long after the Plimsouls rocketed to success due to the strength of Everywhere at Once being rotated on MTV.

But the differences tend to end there. Both bands seemed to be obsessed with the Beatles. Even though you can argue its much more obvious on the Oasis side of things.

As an English band, you can agree that is almost their heritage to channel the Beatles in the most obvious ways possible.

But Peter Case (lead singer of the Plimsouls) looks and sounds way more like John Lennon than anyone in Oasis. In fact had Peter started his musical career just five years earlier, he probably would have been cast to appear in Beatlemania (a play that started on Broadway but toured most of the USA).

Some of the songs they played like Everywhere at Once could almost be compared to a song like Hey Bulldog (at least as far as the vocal range goes) and Oldest Story definitely gives off a little “Hide Your Love…




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