The mystery of Eddie Cochran (over the decades)

2 min readOct 3, 2023

In the movies there is a popular trope where a character finds an item lost to time. Usually buried in the sand and quickly lifted into the sunlight where its finder can admire it.

I would argue that is what happened to Eddie Cochrane when you consider the following.

  • Eddie died in the UK in the early part of the year 1960
  • Four years before The Beatles made it big in America.
  • Eight years before Elvis’ 1968 Comeback Special
  • And almost 20 years before Elvis, Ricky Nelson and Eddie’s music started making a comeback

One but not the only factor of the Beatles success is that every rock idol of the 50’s was out of the picture.

Elvis was in the Army, Chuck Berry was in jail, and Buddy Holly had died in a plane crash a couple of years before.

Fast forward 15 years and its a totally different world (both musically and other wise). Both pop music and classic rock were about to die a violent death thanks to a musical reset provided by punk and new wave music.

And that’s where Rockabilly comes in. The Stray Cats, Pole Cats and other 50’s based sounding bands started a revolution for their musical preferences.




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