Material Login … with Helper Text

Would you like to do something as below for your login or register screen? It has Floating Text Hint, Helper Text (e.g. initial password requirement) and Error… Read on.

What Material Design Says

Google has provided a guideline of Input Text with Error and Hint as shown in the link below.

There are mainly 3 aiding texts for informing the user for what the input is expecting,

  1. Hint Text — the text indicating what the field is for. E.g. Password, Email etc.
  2. Error Text — the text that shows (usually in red) when a given text is invalid. E.g. email doesn’t meet the valid email format.
  3. Helper Text — the text that is use as a start to indicate basic requirement (e.g. for Password use to register account, the number of characters needed is shown ahead).

What Android Support Design Provides

Adding the below library, you could get TextInputLayout that could be used to wrap around the EditText and get main…

