The Future of Voice UI in Web Development: Trends to Watch.

Elysa Crwaford
5 min readMay 24, 2024


In the world of technology, the way we interact with our devices is always evolving. Gone are the days when you had to type everything into a computer.

Now, you can just speak up! This change is largely thanks to something called a voice user interface (VUI).

A voice user interface allows you to talk to your apps and devices, and they understand and respond. It’s like having a conversation with your computer or phone!

Why is Voice UI So Exciting?

Voice UI So Exciting

Voice UI is exciting because it makes using technology easier and more natural for everyone. Imagine being able to cook and ask your device for the next step in the recipe without touching anything.

Or think about asking for traffic updates while you’re getting ready in the morning. This hands-free technology is not just convenient; it’s a game-changer for people who find screens and keyboards difficult to use.

Let’s explore how voice UI is shaping the future of web development and what trends we can expect to see.

1. More Personalized Experiences

As voice UI continues to improve, we’ll see it offering more personalized experiences.

This means your device will get better at recognizing your voice and even understanding your preferences. For example, if you always listen to jazz music in the evenings, your voice assistant might start to suggest your favorite jazz tracks as dinner time approaches.

How would you like a voice assistant that remembers your favorite sports teams and gives you updates without being asked? It’s like having a friend who knows exactly what you like!

2. Enhanced Voice User Interface Design

Voice user interface design is about more than just understanding words; it’s about understanding intent.

The future will bring smarter voice UIs that can figure out what you mean, even if you don’t say it directly.

This involves complex UI design and user interface design skills to make sure that talking to your device feels as natural as talking to a human.

For instance, if you say, “I’m chilly,” a well-designed voice UI might understand that you want the temperature in the room increased, without you needing to say it directly.

3. Integration with More Devices

Voice UI

What if your mirror could tell you the weather while you get dressed? Or your window blinds could open when you say “Good morning”? How would that change your daily routine?

Right now, we use voice UI mainly on smartphones and smart speakers, but soon, we’ll be talking to even more devices.

Imagine your car’s navigation system advising you on the fastest route, or your fridge suggesting recipes based on what’s inside. The possibilities are endless!

4. Voice UI in Web Development Services

Web Development Services are starting to include voice UI in a big way. Soon, you might be able to control websites with your voice.

This could mean shopping online by just talking to your screen, or voice-enabling form filling on a banking website for quicker transactions.

This trend means that businesses need to start thinking about how voice can be integrated into their websites.

For example, a Software Development Company might develop a voice-activated system that helps users navigate an online store and add items to their cart by speaking.

5. Better Security with Voice Authentication

How would you feel about using your voice as your password? No more trying to remember complex passwords or worrying about getting them stolen. As voice UI becomes more common, security becomes more important.

The good news is that voice authentication is also improving. This means your devices will be able to recognize your voice specifically and use it as a password. Just like your fingerprint, your voice has unique characteristics that can be used to verify your identity.

6. Voice Analytics for Better Insights

Voice analytics is an exciting area of growth. By analyzing voice searches and commands, companies can get a deeper understanding of what their users need and want.

This could lead to better product recommendations, more helpful customer service, and websites that are easier to use.

Imagine a website that changes its layout based on the most common voice commands it receives. If most users ask for pricing information via voice, that section could be made more prominent.

7. Global Language Support

Consider the impact of being able to use your voice UI in any language you speak. How would this change the way you use technology if you could speak in your native language?

Voice UI is not just for English speakers. One of the big trends we’ll see is the expansion of voice UI to support many different languages and dialects. This will make technology accessible to more people around the world.

8. Voice UI and Accessibility

Voice user interfaces are a fantastic tool for accessibility. They help people who have difficulty using traditional interfaces due to physical or cognitive disabilities.

As voice UI design becomes more sophisticated, these interfaces will become even more helpful, enabling more people to use technology effectively and independently.

9. The Role of AI and Machine Learning

Imagine a voice UI that not only understands what you say but can also anticipate what you might need next based on your previous interactions. How might this proactive assistance be helpful in your daily life?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are at the heart of making voice UI smarter. They help the system learn from each interaction, improving the ability to understand and process natural language.

This means that the more you use your voice-enabled devices, the better they get at understanding you.


As we look to the future, it’s clear that voice UI is more than just a trend; it’s a fundamental shift in how we interact with digital content.

For businesses looking to stay ahead, partnering with a company like Scrum Digital can help integrate these new technologies into your digital strategy.

Scrum Digital has the expertise to develop engaging, efficient, and secure voice-enabled applications that can take your user experience to the next level.

Voice UI is not just changing the future; it’s making it more accessible, efficient, and personal. And that’s something to talk about!

