Restoring the Ubuntu UI After an Unexpected tty1 Boot

Elysium Celeste
2 min readApr 8, 2023


Introduction: Sometimes, while using Ubuntu, you may encounter situations where the system boots into tty1 mode instead of the usual graphical user interface (GUI). This can happen for various reasons, such as accidentally removing critical components like Python or the desktop environment. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to restore the Ubuntu UI after your system has unexpectedly booted into tty1 mode.

Step 1: Log in to tty1

When your system boots into tty1, enter your username and password to log in. You should now have access to a command-line interface.

Step 2: Update and fix broken packages

Before attempting to reinstall the necessary packages, ensure that your system’s package list is up to date and that there are no broken packages:

sudo apt update 
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt --fix-broken install

Step 3: Reinstall the desktop environment and display manager

To restore the Ubuntu UI, reinstall the default desktop environment (GNOME) and display manager (GDM) for Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop 
sudo apt install gdm3

Step 4: Configure the display manager

Ensure that the display manager is properly set up by running the following command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3

Step 5: Reboot your system

Finally, reboot your system to apply the changes:

sudo reboot

Your system should now boot into the Ubuntu UI (GNOME desktop environment) as usual.


By following these steps, you should be able to restore the Ubuntu UI after encountering an unexpected boot into tty1 mode. If you still face issues, it might be necessary to perform further troubleshooting or even reinstall the operating system. Always remember to back up your important data before making significant changes to your system.

