How to Fix Outlook Not Receiving Email Issue?

Email Tips
3 min readMay 31, 2019

Haven’t you received your concerned email which you were waiting for? Ohh, well this is a matter of great distress. And, due to this, you lag behind with your work in your office or say you're important personal work. Thus, you need to conquer such situation promptly to avoid it from impacting at the larger ground. So, let us first look at the reasons behind Not Receiving Emails in Outlook issue and thereafter, we will know its permanent solution.

Reason for Outlook not Receiving Email

The major causes behind the Outlook Not Getting Emails are:

Connection Issue: At times, the internet can also become the root cause of such an issue. If your internet has got a weak signal or it isn’t properly connected to your device then you will fail to send or receive emails. In this case, ensure that your internet is strong.

Junk Folder: Maybe your mail has been stored in junk folders. Thus, in that case, check your junk folder and search for the required file.

Solve the Problem of Not Receiving Email in Outlook (2010,2013,2016 &2019)

Before starting the procedure, check your internet connection and make sure it has good internet connectivity as you are going to work online on Outlook:

1. Turn on online mode from the lower corner of Outlook.

2. Tap on Send/Receive tab.

3. Click Work offline mode.

4. On the lower right corner, you will be shown ‘Connected to server’.

5. Click send/receive all folder.

6. Now check whether the message has been sent successfully or not.

Note: Also cross-check whether or not the message has been out from Outbox.

Search for Your Outlook Emails on Other Locations

At times, your mail may locate its visibility in Junk Folder. You might have downloaded on another device may be, like a cell phone or office computer.

  1. Tap on the File icon.
  2. Click Account Settings.
  3. Select ‘Manage Profiles’ using the drop-down list.
  4. Select ‘Show Profiles’.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Mention name in Profile name box and tap ok
  7. Go through on-screen instructions to add an email account in new Profile.
  8. Now, Restart Outlook.
  9. Click File.
  10. Move the cursor to ‘Account Settings
  11. Choose ‘Change Profile’ using the drop-down list.
  12. Follow the displayed instructions.
  13. Select your new profile and click OK

Troubleshooting Microsoft Outlook Not Receiving Emails on Mac 2016 &2019

Start the process with high internet speed. Let’s go:

  1. Navigate to the Outlook menu.
  2. Verify if Work Offline is selected.
  3. Click Work Offline and work online.

Turn on SMTP Authentication:

In case authentication is required then follow this:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Move the mouse pointer to ‘Tools menu’ and click ‘Accounts’
  3. Select the email account located on left of Accounts box.
  4. Under Outgoing Server, click ‘More Options’.
  5. Choose the preferred authentication type on the pop-up menu that appears.

3. Pursue the online prompts to mention username & password.

Outlook Customer Service Helpline

Did you get stuck while performing any of the above steps? Are you still not satisfied with the instructions given here? If yes, then you can contact our customer service who are present all day long (24/7) to receive your calls. The calls will be for free and you will receive instant assistant to fix your Outlook Not Receiving Emails issue. Our experts have wife knowledge to tackle any technical related issue on-spot without any failure. We have different modes to contact our engineers i.e. live chat, inquiry and telephonic phone call. Get in touch soon, whenever you come across any situation.



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