2022 Email Marketing Ideas that no one will tell you(must read)

Online Jobs Work From Home
7 min readApr 8, 2022


Place the newsletter registration form correctly

What good is the world’s best newsletter if it doesn’t end up in anyone’s inbox? Proper placement of your newsletter signup form is crucial when collecting email addresses . You should place the form in such a way that potential subscribers do not feel obtrusively annoyed by it, nor should they have to search for it for a long time.

Teaser your newsletter subscription form as an eye-catcher , for example in the opt-in bar at the top of your website, or place it in the sidebar or in an exit pop-up. We also recommend that you create your own landing page where users can register for your newsletter. Buy 2022 email list USA

Keep contact list clean

Remove those recipients who — depending on the sending frequency — have not opened or clicked within the last six to twelve months .

This reduces complaints and also indirectly increases open and click rates. Because contacts who are obviously not interested anyway and do not open or click are no longer written to.
Your sender line, consisting of sender name, subject and preheader, is the first eye-catcher of your newsletter. It answers the first subconscious question of your subscribers: spam, yes or no?

So before you start creating the newsletter, you should first think about a convincing sender line to convince your recipients to even open your email. And sometimes that’s not so easy with the flood of mailings that end up in the mailbox every day.

Here are our tips in a nutshell: Buy USA Email address list for marketing

Personal sender

Use your brand name in the sender . This creates trust and strengthens the recognition value. For example, you can just write your company/brand name or use a combination of brand names and your first name (eg Josefine from Sendinblue).

With a personal contact, you establish an emotional relationship right from the start and strengthen customer loyalty.

Compelling subject line

One thing is for sure: you won’t be the only newsletter in your recipients’ inboxes. It is therefore important to give the subject line a little creativity and meaning . Because if the subject is particularly unfortunate, it will ensure that your newsletter does not even make it to the inbox.

With a lot of bad luck, it ends up in spam. Therefore, avoid certain terms (e.g. urgent, free, €€, $$, sexy) that put email providers’ spam filters on alert .

In addition, the following applies: brevity is the spice. Make sure your subject is not too long. We always recommend a subject length of no more than 50 characters — this way your text will be displayed in full both in the desktop view and on smartphones and tablets.

Use preheader

The preheader is essentially the extension of your subject line and is often underestimated when creating a newsletter, but it can make a significant contribution to the success of your mailing. But: Don’t just repeat your subject line in the preheader, but tease initial information about the content of your newsletter and make you curious for more.

The preheader is displayed in Gmail, Apple Mail and Outlook and thus in the most frequently used e-mail clients and thus holds a lot of potential that you should not miss.

Honesty is the best

This is perhaps the most important tip we can give you: a good email subject and preheader shouldn’t just maximize the open rate of a single newsletter. Above all, they should help build a lasting relationship between your brand and your customers.

So avoid lying about the content of your emails, abusing the famous “sense of urgency” or other things that artificially increase your open rates. That doesn’t earn you any points in the long run.

Activate with a CTA

Call to Actions (CTAs), for example in the form of a button, are the ideal way to entice your readers to take an action and thus ensure proper website traffic and conversions .

Whether “Download your free e-book now”, “Your exclusive discount voucher” or “Learn more here” — a well-designed CTA button contains a clear and unambiguous call to action.

CTAs should also have a different color from the rest of your newsletter template. Incidentally, a CTA in the teaser image encourages people to click particularly effectively. Buy email list USA

Less is more

A newsletter gives you the opportunity to give your readers an overview of your most important products or offers. This saves your recipient a lot of research time.

However, be careful that your mailing does not appear too overloaded and make sure that the most important content is at the beginning or above the first page break — the so-called above-the-fold area.

Well structured

Graphic elements such as dividing lines, info boxes, checklists and crisp headings clearly separate individual elements from one another and ensure a better overview . And that in turn ensures better readability for your recipients and invites them to scroll further.

Important: All content should be visible without horizontal scrolling. Therefore, do not exceed 600px width.

Include visuals

Visual elements such as images, videos or GIFs bring your email marketing campaigns to life and attract attention. Images alone generate a click -through rate that is up to 42% higher than emails without images.

But don’t be hasty: We recommend an image share of around 20–30% and an image width of no more than 600 pixels to avoid long loading times and display problems.

Engage readers

A good way to strengthen the relationship with your recipients or to get new ideas for newsletter content? Ask your readers for input!

For example, ask them for their best newsletter tips and give them a discount on their next order in return. You can publish the incoming answers in the next newsletter . Buy email contact list USA consumers and companies

Meaningful headline

The headline of a newsletter is particularly important. It is the first thing that catches the eye when reading and determines whether your newsletter is considered relevant or not. Make sure to choose a headline that speaks directly to your recipients and sparks interest to read on.

The sound makes the music

Write short sentences and use activating verbs. Imagine you are writing to a single person and use a conversational tone. Tell a story and show personality. This creates trusting and long-term customer loyalty.
Respond to your readers

If you know that your recipients are interested in a certain topic, then respond to it. Take up the topic in your next newsletter, for example, and thus maintain attention. You can then find an elegant transition to the next topic or product.
As individual as possible through segmentation

We cannot emphasize it often enough: try to make your newsletter as individual and personal as possible. In addition to addressing names personally, you should always tailor your newsletter to the customer journey of your customers. Key word: segmentation.

To do this, sort your contact list into different groups according to certain characteristics (e.g. interests, gender) and thus send individualized content and tailor-made product recommendations. Such a function is available to you with a professional newsletter software like Sendinblue .

For example, create a group with recipients who have not yet opened your newsletter and set up a retargeting campaign for this recipient group.
Rely on multichannel communication

Effective marketing takes a holistic, cross-channel approach. Newsletter marketing enables you to target campaigns to customers who have already shown interest in your brand. SMS marketing is particularly attention-grabbing in combination with a time-sensitive offer.

Social media channels , on the other hand, offer the opportunity to reach a broad audience and to address newsletter subscribers again via retargeting ads.

Because with all the flood of offers, you are more likely to attract the attention of your customers if they see your campaign more than once .

Keep these tips in mind:

The ideal timing

The ideal point in time depends on various factors (e.g. shipping day, time, industry). Basically, you should of course always send your newsletter at a time when your target group also has time to read your e-mail. Depending on the industry , it is therefore important to include employment, family life and the basic everyday life of your recipients in the planning.

Is the target group of your newsletter rather end consumers (B2C) or traders (B2B) ? The rule of thumb is: B2B in the morning from Monday to Friday and B2C in the morning or in the evening from Monday to Sunday.
Test the best shipping time

As mentioned, the right time to send the newsletter is when your recipients are online . Test different sending times to find out when your target group pays the most attention to your mailings.

By the way, good e-mail marketing tools like Sendinblue offer a function for dispatch optimization , with which your newsletter is automatically sent at the best time for each individual contact, thus maximizing your opening rate.

If your company is also internationally active, you should think about the different time zones. Adjust the sending times so that every subscriber receives your newsletter at the right time.

Use A/B testing

In an A/B test, two variants of a newsletter are compared with each other in order to ultimately find the version that is best received by your recipients.

With the help of an A/B test, it quickly becomes clear what works in your newsletter and what may need to be revised. You can not only test the subject, but also the e-mail sender, content or different newsletter layouts.

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