Email Marketing Made Easy by MailChimp Master Template

2 min readJun 1, 2017


As an email marketer, what is one of the prevalent pain points you experience? You got your email campaign planned out, list segmented as per subscriber preferences, but where is the email template?

Is readying an email template for newsletter or automation emails a headache for you? Do you shudder at the thought of any last moment email template designing?

If you answered ‘yes’ to both (even sobbed a little under the breath) then this article is especially for you (more important if you are a Mailchimp user).

Master Email Template is your answer

A Master Email Template is like a skeleton template that can be used to create any type of email from a set of different content blocks within the specific ESP editor (in this case MailChimp). It is very useful especially in cases where the header and footer are consistent and only the email body changes.

Benefits associated with the MailChimp Master Template:

1. The master template is editable in MailChimp’s editor, which helps in creating the most fresh email templates.

2. The template can be customized as per your brand assets; which is only a one-time effort! (We could make the efforts easy for you!)

3. The template provides absolute ease of integration with MailChimp reducing most of your ESP worries.

4. The ready to use responsive email template comes handy every time you need a template for last moment email campaigns.

5. The Monks’ master template is Litmus tested and is compatible across over 40 email clients.

6. Once the email is customized in HTML, this master template eliminates the entire redesign and coding cost, thereby increasing the campaign ROI.

Also, changing the content blocks is as easy as selecting the options from a drop down.

Remove any unwanted section by clicking ‘-‘ (Minus) button.

Master template takes time to getting used to, but once you are comfortable with the concept, creating emails is quite a breeze. You can download our free MailChimp Templates and then refer to our blog on how to use your Master Template.




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