Top 5 tips to Help With Trigonometry

Ema Lee
2 min readJul 18, 2020

Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that plays an important role in a vast range of different careers. Trigonometry is defined as the study of triangles and the lengths and angles of their sides. Trigonometry take some time for students to learn as it is a complex subject. Many students need lot of practice to make progress and growth as the process involved in trigonometry are quite different from the problem-solving techniques used in other learning process.

· Learning trigonometry online allows students to improve their mathematical skills in an environment that allows for, practice, focus and repetition. This makes it easier for students to cope up with the difficulties. Students can cover all aspects of trigonometry and improve their mathematical skills with consistent study. Trigonometry online help is beneficial for those students who are facing difficulties with the trigonometry. Trigonometry is similar to geometry, which deals with angles, triangles and lengths. Moreover, the student must be careful about the topic and subject as if the concept is not clear to them; it can create confusion regarding their understanding as this branch of mathematics seems to be most difficult to proceed with. Trigonometry online help provide the student a considerable amount of help as it aims to provide Good grades- Trigonometry online help ensures to get good grades and ranks without facing any difficulty and hurdles. When the student gets ample time to focus on the subject topic and understand the concept, it automatically enables them to score better marks. Thus, the trigonometry online help is best for the students facing any difficulty in their trigonometry learning.

· Now it is important to define the parts of a triangle. At its core, trigonometry is the study of relationships present in triangles. A triangle has three sides and three angles and by definition, the sum of angles for any triangle is 180 degrees. The student should familiarize themself with triangles and terminology related to triangles to succeed in trigonometry. Some common triangle terms are: Hypotenuse angle -The longest side of a right triangle, Obtuse angle- an angle that is greater than 90 degrees and an Acute angle — an angle less than 90 degrees.

· Know the trigonometric functions- Students must know that there are six functions which are very important for understanding trigonometry. Together, they define the relationships within a triangle, and allows them to understand the unique properties of any triangle. These six functions are Sine (Sin), Cosine (Cos), Tangent (Tan), Secant (Sec), Cosecant (Csc) and Cotangent (Cot).

· Next, if the students want to get clear concept they should learn all the trigonometric function by heart. Remember all the formulas and solve every question multiple times. They can get a question and scan it without leaving any piece of information. Then think about where it can be solved or not and find number of ways to solve them. They must practice basic level questions as much as they can setting the timer. Once completing the basic level questions they can opt for the difficult set of problems.



Ema Lee

I am a Tutor at a reputed company in the USA. I received my masters from the University of Monash. Currently I am also associated with