A Thank You Note: To All The Coronavirus Helpers & Warriors Out There.

The front line against the Coronavirus.

Emam Elimam
6 min readApr 16, 2020

Honestly, I don’t know how to start this article.

There’s so much going on my mind.

Every time I refresh Twitter, I see the coronavirus news in front of me. New cases, deaths, people isolated, suffering and living in pain.

I know it’s not fair because everything happened so fast. It’s so quick that no one could ever imagine such an impact. — We reached a crazy state in less than 4 months.

The world turned upside down. There’s nothing that wasn’t affected by the virus. Industries like aviation, sports, entertainment, music, and education were hit so hard that it may take months or years to recover.

We can’t go out anymore. We can’t have family gatherings. We can’t play sports. We can’t watch football. It came to a point, where we can’t even have proper funerals. —Yes, It’s that deep.

But you know, despite all this.

Despite all the sadness, misery, and difficulty around the world. I just want to take a moment.

A moment to thank our warriors. — Who are fighting every single day to save lives and rescue people.

Doctors, Nurseries, and…



Emam Elimam

Changing The World, One Article At A Time. Data Miner @ MediaMonks. In Love with Habits, Personal Development, and Self-discovery.