Google: Mediocre GDC. They kill foreigners, albeit hands-off ,with the mens rea hidden in the belly of the actus reus. Google: Dr Anand Kamath, Dentist. Google: Dr Richard Bamgboye, GP. They hate us, and we know. Jonathan Martin, a mere Poly-educated GDC Manager, 37, Wimpole Street, W1G 8DQ, unrelentingly lied under oath and/or on record — Habakkuk 1:4. Based on cogent, irrefutable, and available evidence, Jonathan Martin, a mere Poly-educated GDC Manager, 37, Wimpole Street, W1G 8DQ, and an alleged Rotarian (Freemasonry without occultists’ rituals and/or voodoo), unrelentingly lied under oath and/or on record — Habakkuk 1:4. The pure White ancestors of his pure White mother and father were incompetent racist lies too, they were THIEVES and owners of stolen children of defenceless poor people, including the pure Black African ancestors of the impure (<100% White) niece and nephew of the Prince of Wales. Based on several decades of very, very, very, proximate observations, and direct experiences, the weapon of the pure White privileged dullard (predominantly but not exclusively pure White), the direct descendant of the father of RACIST LIES, is the mother of all RACIST LIES, and his power is the certainty that all Judges will be pure White, and her own is that all Judges would be White Supremacist bastards too — Habakkuk 1:4. Based on several decades of very, very, very, proximate observations and direct experiences, RACIAL HATRED in Great Britain is hereditary, and strict rules may palliate it, but it is absolutely incurable. Judges are closeted hereditary White Supremacist bastards too, and they are the true cardinals of MERCILESS RACIST EVIL. “Racism and discrimination — the challenge for the GDC … General Dental Council. › News & blogs › Blog. We have been challenged to recognise and acknowledge that we need to do more to combat racial inequality and discrimination. We accept that …” Mere talk is cheap. “All sections of UK society are institutionally racist.” Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe. GDC is part of UK society. OYINBO OLE: THIEVES — HABAKKUK. Jonathan Martin, a mere Poly-educated GDC Manager, 37, Wimpole Street, W1G 8DQ, a very,, very, very, dishonest, crooked, and hereditary racist pure White bastard. A mere Poly-educated (not Russell Group Second Class Education — Proverbs 17:16), was granted the platform to display unintelligent, and uneducated, hereditary prejudice. The pure White ancestors of his pure White mother and father were incompetent RACIST LIARS too, they were THIEVES and owners of stolen children of defenceless poor people, including the pure Black African ancestors of our impure Duchess, Princess Ada Mazi Omu of Arochukwu, Meghan Markle (43% Nigerian), and her impure children (<100% White). Based on several decades of very, very, proximate observations and direct experiences, they love superiority but they hate Freedom of Expression because they don’t want their mentally gentler children and the imbeciles they shepherd to know the truth. BEDFORD,ENGLAND:GDC/NHS, Sue Gregory (OBE), alleged Rotarian (Freemasonry without voodoo) unrelentingly lied under implied oath and/or on record — Habakkuk 1:4. A very, very, very, dishonest Officer of the Most Excellent Order of our Empire of Stolen Affluence — Habakkuk. A crooked closeted hereditary racist pure White cougar. Based on several decades of very, very, very, proximate observations and direct experiences, no part of their legal system is good, not even one — Psalm 53. Based on cogent, irrefutable, and available evidence, GDC is not only INSTITUTIONALLY RACIST, but it is also a properly organised racist scam where PARASITIC LAWYERS park their liabilities at the till of dentists’ cash. GDC, 1 Colmore Row, B4 6AA, Birmingham. GDC Chief Executive/Registrar instructed Manager, Jonathan Martin, a mere poly-educated plebeian jobber, and those who instructed GDC Chief Executive/Registrar paid the salaries of all Judges: Creeping DPRK. Conflict of interest in their institutionally racist hell hole. It is not the truth that their mediocre institutionally racist hell hole is paradise. OYINBO OLE: THIEVES — HABAKKUK. They hate us, and we know. Facts are sacred, and they cannot be overstated. BEDFORD, ENGLAND: District Judge, our own MONEY, Nigeria (oil/gas), is by far more relevant to the economic survival of all your own White children, your own pure White mother, your own pure White father, and your own pure White spouse than Freemasons’ Northampton. You are a LEECH (a parasite) because the pure White ancestors of your own pure White mother and father were THIEVES and owners of stolen children of defenceless poor people, including the pure Black African ancestors of the impure (<100% White) great grandchildren of HM (1926–2022). Based on cogent, irrefutable, and available evidence, GDC is not only INSTITUTIONALLY RACIST, but it is also a properly organised racist scam where PARASITIC LAWYERS park their liabilities at the till of dentists’ cash. GDC, 1 Colmore Row, B4 6AA, Birmingham. GDC Chief Executive/Registrar instructed Manager, Jonathan Martin, a mere poly-educated plebeian jobber, and those who instructed GDC Chief Executive/Registrar paid the salaries of all Judges: Creeping DPRK. Conflict of interest in their institutionally racist hell hole. It is not the truth that their mediocre institutionally racist hell hole is paradise. OYINBO OLE: THIEVES — HABAKKUK. They hate us, and we know. Facts are sacred, and they cannot be overstated. BEDFORD, ENGLAND: District Judge, our own MONEY, Nigeria (oil/gas), is by far more relevant to the economic survival of all your own White children, your own pure White mother, your own pure White father, and your own pure White spouse than Freemasons’ Northampton. You are a LEECH (a parasite) because the pure White ancestors of your own pure White mother and father were THIEVES and owners of stolen children of defenceless poor people, including the pure Black African ancestors of the impure (<100% White) great grandchildren of HM (1926–2022). “They may not have been well written from a grammatical point of view but I am confident I had not forgotten any of the facts.” Geraint Evans, England’s Class Welsh Postgraduate Tutor, Oxford. AN IMBECILE: AN ADULT WITH THE BASIC SKILLS OF A CHILD. Bedford’s District Judge, it is not the truth that daily dialogues with imbeciles, including our pure White Welsh imbecile, Geraint Evans, England’s Class Welsh Postgraduate Tutor, Oxford, in a Lower Court, is a proper job that is manly and worthwhile. Facts are sacred, and they cannot be overstated. “Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900). Google: Bedford’s District Judge, White Skin, and Stolen Trust Fund. Before Slavery, what? “Those who know the least obey the best.” George Farquhar (1677–1707). They were all pure White. Based on several decades of very, very, very, proximate observations and direct experiences, homogeneity in the administration of their law is the impregnable secure mask of merciless RACIST EVIL. Skin colour that the very, very, very, fortunate wearer neither made nor chose is universally acknowledged to be irrefutably superior, but their intellects aren’t and their legal system is fundamentally designed to conceal that TRUTH. NIGER’S URANIUM: American and Russian soldiers are camped side by side in Niger. Our own Nigerien children with huge uranium mines near their huts eat only 1.5/day in our own shithole Africa, a very, very, very, bellyful, unashamedly functional semi-illiterate, crooked, and hereditary racist Welsh imbecile, Geraint Evans, England’s Class Welsh Postgraduate Tutor, whose pure White Welsh mother and father have never seen URANIUM, and who might not know the chemical formula of URANIUM, and whose pure White Welsh ancestors, including the pure White Welsh ancestors of Aneurin Bevan (1897–1960), were fed like battery hens with yields of stolen children of defenceless poor people, including the pure Black African ancestors of our impure Duchess, Meghan Markle (43% Nigerian), and her impure children, thrives in Great Britain. Which part of our own shithole Africa is great? BEDFORD, ENGLAND: District Judge, it is not the truth that daily dialogues with IMBECILES is a proper job that is manly and worthwhile. They desire intellectual superiority that is related to the universally acknowledged irrefutably superior skin colour that they neither made nor chose, and He denied them it, and in protest, they criminally steal yields of Christ granted talents of Nigerians, from shithole Africa. They are disproportionately pure White. Based on several decades of very, very, very, proximate observations and direct experiences, homogeneity in the administration of their law is the very, very, very, impregnable secure mask of merciless RACIST EVIL — Habakkuk 1:4. WALES, A MERE QUASI-PROVINCE OF ENGLAND: GDC/NHS, Geraint Evans, England’s Class Welsh Postgraduate Tutor, Oxford, unrelenting lied under implied oath and/or on record — Habakkuk 1:4. A very, very, very, dishonest England’s Class Welsh Postgraduate Tutor, Oxford, and a crooked closeted hereditary racist pure White Welshman. “The earth contains no race of human beings so totally vile and worthless as the Welsh. ….” Walter Savage Landor (1775–1864). Aneurin Bevan’s NHS was preceded by SLAVERY, and paid for it. They should rewrite the law: ‘Freedom of expression for imbeciles’ should replace ‘Freedom of Expression for all’. “By definition therefore there needs to be a contact order for Mr B so that he knows when he is going to see his son. It is absolutely essential that this occurs and mother agrees with that. She said so several times in her evidence. Mrs Waller agreed that not only should a child have the opportunity of developing relationship with both parents, any sibling should also be there so that inter- sibling relationship could be fostered and nurtured. Obviously in this particular case the children reside in different places. That immediately puts a strain on the children having limited contact with each other. F’s sister is very much older than him and she will be further advanced into her adult life. Thus it is not a matter that that sibling relationship can only be fostered by the children being together. Indeed as we all know absence sometimes makes the heart grow fonder. F should have an opportunity of seeing his sister. Wherever he does that it should be done in a friendly and loving environment. If the time comes that his sister goes to university of course his contact with her will be restricted to the time that she is home from university. In years to come when they have both grown up, with their own family they will see less of each other. But it doesn’t mean that they don’t still love and adore each other as much as they would if they saw each other every day.” Bedford’s District Judge — proofed and approved Judgement. Brainless nonsense. SHOCKING! “Why, that is, because, dearest you are dunce.” Dr Samuel Johnson. A brainless hereditary racist pure White bastard, and an ignorant ultra-righteous descendant of THIEVES and owners of stolen children of poor people, including the pure Black African ancestors of our impure Duchess, Princess Ada Mazi Omu of Arochukwu, and her impure children (<100% White). “Yes, Sir, it does her honour, but it would do nobody else honour. I have indeed not read it all. But when I take up the end of a web, and find a packthread, I do not expect, by looking further, to find embroidery.” Dr Samuel Johnson. “Gentlemen, you are now about to embark on a course of studies which will occupy you for two years. Together, they form a noble adventure. But I would like to remind you of an important point. Nothing that you will learn in the course of your studies will be of the slightest possible use to you in after life, save only this, that if you work hard and intelligently you should be able to detect when a man is talking rot, and that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole, purpose of education.” John Alexander Smith (1869–1939).BEDFORD, ENGLAND: District Judge, no brain, poor natural resources, and several centuries of STEALING and SLAVERY preceded the HUGE STOLEN TRUST FUND — Habakkuk “The best opportunity of developing academically and emotional.” Bedford’s District Judge. A MORON MASON. BEDFORD, ENGLAND: vOur District Judge approved and immortalised the type of STORIES his pure white father used to tell when he returned home from his regular pub crawl, Queen Victoria, Nag’s Head, Greene King etcetera, at odd hours, thoroughly stoned, angry, hungry, and very, very, very, RANDY, and which his poly-educated pure White superiors and supervisors in LUTON authorised. HHJ Perusko studied law at Poly: Not Russell Group Second Class Alternative Education — Proverbs 17:16. BEDFORD,ENGLAND: District Judge, our own Nigerian babies with huge oil wells and gas fields eat only 1.5/day in our own NIGERIA, a very, very, very, bellyful, unashamedly functional semi-illiterate, hereditary racist, and crooked pure White bastard whose pure White mother and father have never seen CRUDE OIL, and whose pure White ancestors, including ultra-righteous John Bunyan (1628–1688), were fed like battery hens with yields of stolen children of poor people, including the pure Black African ancestors of our impure Duchess, Princess Ada Mazi Omu of Arochukwu, Meghan Markle (43% Nigerian), and her impure children (<100% White), thrives in Great Britain. Which part of our own shithole Africa is great?

9 min readMay 20, 2024



Based on available evidence, Sue Gregory (OBE), Officer of the

WEBOct 29, 2021 · district judge ayers of bedford county court: a brainless white man; a racist descendant of professional thieves and owners of stolen human beings Daringtruths — …

