Chapter 1 — Exploring Quizizz: Helping Teacher Encourage Independent Learning

Emanuela Dyah
3 min readSep 30, 2023


Hi there, teachers, students, and fellow educators! On this opportunity let’s explore how Quizizz can be a fantastic tool for promoting self-driven learning or autonomous learning among students. In this post, we will look at Quizizz as a way for teacher to support independence, its advantages, some areas that can be improved, and practical ways to use it in class. So let’s dive right in!

Quizizz: A Teacher’s Friend for Student Independence

Quizizz is more than quizzes. It’s like a special tool for encouraging students to learn on their own. It helps teacher create an environment where students actively participate in their own learning. Here is why Quizizz is a great fit for this approach:

Ask Questions and Explore — Quizizz is a tool which encourages students to ask questions, find answer, and explore topics by themselves. it can be accessed via where teachers can create and provide quizzes with various topics that students can later choose and work on.

User-Friendly — Quizizz is easy for both teachers and students to use. Creating quizzes, giving them to students, and taking quizzes are straightforward, so technology doesn’t get in the way of learning.

Benefits of Quizizz in Promoting Student Autonomous Learning

  1. Empowered learning — Quizizz puts students in control of their learning. They can choose when and where they take quizzes, which makes them feel they are in charge of their education.
  2. Quick Feedback — Quizizz gives students immediate feedback on their quiz answer. And this helps them see what they are good at and where they need to improve, making them better at learning independently.
  3. Personalized learning — Teacher can customize quizzes to fit each students’ unique learning needs. This means students can focus on what interest them most, which is a big boost for self-directed learning.

Areas for Improvement and Some Ideas

While Quizizz is a great tool for promoting independent learning, in my opinion there’s always room for improvement. Here are few things that Quizizz could do better:

  1. More types of Questions — To suit different learning styles and encourage deeper thinking, Quizizz could include more question types beyond multiple choice that can be accessed. Adding open-ended questions, essays, and discussions would be a big help.
  2. Think About Access — It is important to remember that not all students have constant internet access for fancy devices. Quizizz could work on ways to use it offline or on simpler devices to support all students
  3. Customizing Fun Stuff — While adding fun memes to questions is cool, Quizizz could make it easier to customize these memes to match the classroom environment or content better.

How to Use Quizizz in the Classroom

Here are some simple ways teachers can use Quizizz to promote independent learning:

  1. Let Student Choose — Give students a bunch quizzes related to the topic, and let them pick the ones they find interesting. By doing this way, they feel responsible for their learning.
  2. Student-Made Quizzes — Encourage students to create their own quizzes based on what they’ve learned. This not only makes them think critically but also gives them ownership of their learning.
  3. Keep Track of Progress — Use Quizizz to see how each students is doing. Share the result of the quiz and use it to set goals and give personalized guidance. This helps them take control of their learning.

In conclusion, Quizizz is a flexible and helpful tool for teacher who want to promote independent learning for the students. It is easy to use, offers quick feedback, and cam be customized to suit students’ needs. While there is always room for improvement, Quizizz has a lot of potential to help students become better at learning on their own.

Here is the link of a quiz which I created using Quizizz:

So, give Quizizz a try, and watch your students become more independent learners right your eyes! Thank you for reading this chapter.

