How to Create a Great Portfolio Even if You’ve Never Had Clients Before

Easy Steps to Showcase Your Skills and Land Your First Projects

Emmanuel Obieke
3 min readJun 24, 2024

So, you’ve decided to dive into the world of freelancing or maybe you’re looking to switch careers and showcase your skills.

Either way, you are reading this article now because you want to solve the problem that every copywriter faces in the beginning:

Building a portfolio from scratch when you don’t have any prior clients singing your praises.

Don’t worry, though; it’s not as troublesome as it sounds. Let’s break it down into steps that will help you create a compelling portfolio and attract your first clients.

1. Define Your Niche and Expertise

First things first, know thyself.

What are you passionate about? What skills do you excel in? What makes you different others in that very skill?

Answer these questions by defining your niche and expertise because that’s what will set you apart.

Clarity on your niche will guide the rest of your portfolio-building journey.

Whether it’s graphic design, web development, copywriting, or even social media management.

2. Personal Projects Are Your Best Friend

No clients yet? No problem. You can start with personal projects, they’re basically your playground to test your skills and creativity.

It’s like building your own brand. You can design a website for a fictional client, write blog posts on topics you’re knowledgeable about, or create mock-ups of social media campaigns.

These projects show your capabilities and style without needing external validation.

3. Case Studies That Speak Volumes

Ever heard the phrase "show, don’t tell"? It means that you should have more evidence than just words.

Case studies are your opportunity to do just that. Pick your best personal projects and dive deep into them.

You first outline the problem you tackled, then explain your approach, and reveal the results achieved.

Even if you didn’t have a paying client, potential clients love to see real-world examples of your work and how you think through challenges.

4. Guest Blogging: A Stealthy Move

This is a one of the most powerful ways to build credibility and get your name out there.

You should look for blogs or websites in your niche that accept guest posts and pitch them well-thought-out articles.

Not only does this showcase your expertise, but it also helps you network within your industry and attract clients who are impressed by your insights.

Speaking of networking:

5. Network Like Your Career Depends On It (It Does)

This is more important than you think

Although building a portfolio helps in getting clients, it isn’t just about the work; it’s about the connections you make along the way.

There are a lot of industry events you can attend(virtual or in-person),as well as online communities you could join too, also you don’t have to be afraid to reach out to collaborators or mentors.

Networking not only opens doors to opportunities but also provides valuable feedback on your portfolio from peers.

6. Testimonials: Even Without Clients

Yeah, you read that right. But you might wonder

“How am I going to get testimonials for my portfolio without clients?” But then again, how are you going to attract clients without testimonials in your portfolio?

Its like a Catch-22 situation, but you don’t don’t need to worry because testimonials aren’t just for established freelancers.

Remember those personal projects? Reach out to friends, family, or colleagues who’ve seen your work and ask for testimonials. Their reviews or honest opinions can add credibility to your portfolio and reassure potential clients of your capabilities.

7. Continuous Learning and Improvement

Lastly, never stop learning. The digital landscape we’re all in evolves rapidly, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in your field will keep your portfolio relevant.

Invest in courses, workshops, or certifications that enhance your skills and showcase your commitment to professional growth.

Conclusion: Your Portfolio, Your Story

Building a portfolio from scratch may seem…. daunting, but it’s an exciting journey filled with self-discovery and growth.

Just focus on your niche, create standout personal projects, leveraging case studies and testimonials, and getting connections, you’ll soon have a portfolio that speaks volumes about your talents and potential.

Remember, every project you undertake adds value to your story as a professional. So, go forth, create, and let your portfolio pave the way to your dream career.



Emmanuel Obieke

Copywriter and Affiliate marketer. A proud Nigerian and entrepreneur. Lover of all things digital