String Theory

2 min readFeb 8, 2023


The theory of EVERYTHING.[PART I]

As we develop new, unusual, complex, bizarre ideas and theories in this age of expanding knowledge, we must assess what is genuinely necessary for us and what needs to be thrown out due to its inaccuracy. Is the string theory one of the necessary theories or is it simply something that should be chucked out? Does it really help us discover the nature of the universe and is it really the theory of EVERYTHING?

As we go on observing our surroundings, we may be intrigued to look at what these objects comprise in common. Objects are divided into molecules which are further divided into atoms which are further divided… This goes on till these particles can't be divided further and are called elementary particles. The problem here is that these particles are too small to be seen even using the highest power of the microscope invented, they are simply too small for the electromagnetic waves to collide with.

How do we determine the nature of something that we can’t see and do ‘science’ with?

Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

Although these particles can’t be SEEN, their influence can be detected and taken into account as a point. Here, The Point Particle story comes into play. In this ‘story,’ these particles are defined as a point in space, and this way physicists could define them and calculate their interactions.

But gravity…

In quantum mechanics(study of the behaviors or matter on a subatomic/ atomic level) all physical forces are carried out by certain particles. But Einstein's General Relativity Theory asserts that gravity is not a force like the others in the cosmos. Gravity is nothing but the theory of the geometry of space-time itself. Distances measured relative to this must be absolutely precise but it doesn't go hand in hand in the quantum world.

The only way we could have the theory of everything would be if we combined gravity with quantum physics and the standard model.

Photo by Fractal Hassan on Unsplash

Intelligent people then came up with the idea that since we needed something more complex than a point, a line… or a string could be considered.

And thus, the String Theory was established.

[PART II] coming soon




Highschooler passionate about AI, space and physics. Feel free to follow me on Instagram