Does Pinterest’s Terms and Service Really Say That?!

Ella Matthes
2 min readApr 12, 2023


Terms and conditions are an essential part of any company or business, whose consumers have to agree to certain conditions, in order to access it. Pinterest’s terms and conditions are surprisingly very easy to understand, with each section being accompanied by a summary statement, making sense of the legal jargon most people do not understand. Since these companies know that people don’t usually want to read terms and conditions, they further discourage more people reading it, by making the document extremely long, and using a font that is very hard to read.

I thought some examples from Pinterest’s Terms and Conditions that I found very interesting.

Pinterest is able to terminate or suspend your account, for any reason on appropriate notice. An account can be terminated immediately without notice, if “we have a good reason”, including violation of community guidelines.

Following termination or the deactivating of an account, or if any user content, anything created and posted by a user, Pinterest may keep your user content for “a reasonable period of time” for archival, backup, and audit purposes.

Something else that I thought was interesting, was how a merchant would have to go to the Bay Area to sue Pinterest there, but if you are a consumer, you can sue them from your home courts. Lastly, if you don’t agree to Pinterest’s Business terms, when using for commercial purposes, if Pinterest gets sued because of something the business does on Pinterest, that business would have to pay Pinterest’s costs. They also comment, in the summary of this section, on how they should have signed up with a business account earlier, and agreed to the business terms, which sounds kind of petty, and I love it.

