Bolder Brows , Bigger Bucks

Emily Cavanagh
2 min readFeb 12, 2016


Maybelline’s new ad campaign for an eyebrow product was recently featured in Seventeen Magazine. The ad includes advertising techniques such as a USP, celebrity endorsement, and “invent the disease, provide the cure” to sell the product.

They have established their unique selling proposition buy making their “1st Brow Pomade Crayon.” With so many companies trying to appeal to the market need for brow products, Maybelline decided to differentiate their product by making the “1st Brow Pomade Crayon.” I don’t think that actually means much to many people, but it does establish the idea that this product is different than the other ones on the market.

One of the most effective techniques in advertising is to connect a product with a well know person and give that product a face. This ad has implemented that technique by using super model, Gigi Hadid, as the face for this brow product. Gigi Hadid is a very well known model in both mainstream media and social media. She provides Maybelline with a large audience to influence just by featuring her. The ad is also using the technique of inventing the disease by showing the before and after pictures of Gigi’s eyebrows. Even though Gigi’s eyebrows look flawless in the before picture, the company is trying to show that Gigi’s eyebrows look so much better after using this product and so will yours. Many young girls reading Seventeen may have not even thought about the idea of doing their eyebrows until seeing this ad. The company is taking advantage of the current trend to have defined brows by creating a product and ad that will give you the desired look.

I believe this ad is going to successfully fill the market need for a drug store brand eyebrow product. It is also going to further enforce today's ideal for bolder eyebrows and provide girls with a way to achieve that look.

