Electronic Health Record — Best for Medical Organizations

2 min readJul 12, 2016


An Electronic Health Record is an organized collection of patient’s health information. This record contains a comprehensive history of patient’s including lab work, x-rays, medications, scan and many others. In other words, it’s an electronic system that stores health information and distributes it between patient and doctor anywhere in the world. This gives health organizations a great opportunity to enhance the quality of patient care and safety.

EHR also provides many other benefits to healthcare organizations, like:

  1. It can be accessed from a remote site by various people at the same time.

2. It improves the efficiency of healthcare industry and reduces the costs involved.

3. Its special management trait contains a backup system for patient’s’ medical record and the easy file storage so that healthcare providers can easily access their patient records with a few mouse clicks.

4. It can store the new medical prescriptions from the past diagnoses.

5. It maintains the confidentiality of the entire comprehensive patient information. The access is given only to the authorized person.

6. It can be customized according to the specific requirements of the medical organization.

7. It is equipped with various intelligence abilities like life-threatening drug interactions or recognizing abnormal lab results.

8. It is updated on regular basis and can be used from anywhere to access the relevant information instantly from any workstation, whenever required.

The Electronic Health Record system is also known as Electronic Patient Record. The system is designed by using latest advanced technology. The numerous useful features of electronic health record not only streamline the business process of healthcare organizations but also increase their revenue besides improving the quality of care provided to the patient’s and increasing their productivity by reducing the errors and extra efforts.Also check Telehealth — Changing the Medical Future.




EMEDHIE is a One Stop platform to manage all the Healthcare Needs of a patient.