How To Update Your Linux Ubuntu to the Latest Version (23.04)

Emediong Samuel
3 min readAug 7, 2023


Ubuntu 20.04 and older versions may still provide a ‘good enough’ computing experience. But, if you’re seeking more, an upgrade is necessary.

Canonical Ltd follows a 6-month release cycle, with the latest version being Ubuntu 23.04, codenamed ‘Lunar Lobster.’ This release offers optimal performance, impressive features, and a smooth user interface. Plus, the installation process is hassle-free.

So if you’re looking to upgrade to Ubuntu’s latest version, here’s how to do it:

Step 1. Update Package Lists:

Note: Even though the update process is generally smooth, Backing up important files and data before updating Ubuntu is important to ensure their safety.

Next, ensure your system’s package lists are current. To achieve this, open your terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

When prompted, press ‘y’ then ‘Enter’ to confirm. This command updates and upgrades your package list.

Step 2: Install the Update Manager

Ubuntu uses the ‘Update Manager’ to handle distribution upgrades. If Update Manager isn’t installed, install it using the following command:

sudo apt install update-manager-core

Step 3: Open Your Update Manager Configuration File:

You can use the Nano or Vim editor for this step. If you’re using nano, run the command:

sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

In the file, find the line that begins with Prompt=. It may initially appear as Prompt= lts.

If so, ensure the prompt setting is “normal,” i.e., Prompt=normal.

Step 4: Starting the Upgrade:

After completing the previous step, you can proceed with the upgrade process. To initiate the upgrade, execute the command provided below:

sudo do-release-upgrade

Step 5: Follow the Ubuntu On-Screen Instructions

At this point, your system takes over. It will provide on-screen instructions asking for your input to confirm the upgrade. Follow the prompts and provide any necessary input as needed.

In the screenshots below are a few prompts you can expect to find during the upgrade process:

The upgrade process may take some time, depending on your internet speed connection and the packages that need updating.

Here’s a screenshot indicating the number of packages slated for removal, installation, and upgrade, alongside an estimate of the download time you can expect during the upgrade process.

Additionally, don’t interrupt or abort this process, as it can render the upgrade operation incomplete. Once the upgrade is complete, your system will function with the most recent version of Ubuntu upon reboot.

Step 6: Reboot Your System:

After the upgrade is complete, you will be asked to reboot your system for the changes to take effect. Press ‘y’ and ‘Enter’ to continue the reboot process.

Final Step: Verify Your Ubuntu System Version

To verify the success of your Ubuntu upgrade, run this command on your terminal:

lsb_release -a

This command will display Ubuntu’s latest version on your screen.

If the output displayed on your screen shows ‘Description’ as ‘Ubuntu 23.04’, then congratulation! You have successfully updated your Ubuntu system to its latest version.



Emediong Samuel

DevOps engineer | Technical writer. I help companies get their message across. Let's talk