How to choose the Right Frame for your Face shape.

Emeka Boris Ama
Pearlmine Eyecare
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2019

The age of boring eyewear is long over. These days, there are lots of options when it comes to choosing stylish, attractive eyeglasses. Our first rule of choosing frames is to pick something that you love and that makes you feel confident. A-frame that complements the shape and coloring of your face is your best bet. So our question for you is do you know your face shape? While some persons have distinct face shape, others might have a combination face shape. If you fall into the later class, you’re lucky! You will more options as you look for eyeglass frames.

Know the basic face shapes.

There are seven general shapes: round, heart-shaped (base-up triangle), triangular (base down), square, rectangular, oblong and oval.

  • Round faces; have full cheeks and rounded, full forehead and chin
  • Heart-shaped face: is really more like an upside down triangle, with a wide forehead that narrows to a pointed chin. A heart shaped face can be long and graceful or more rounded, but both tend to have high, angled cheekbones.
  • Triangular faces tend to have narrow foreheads and a wide, strong jaw (the jaw itself is often angular).
  • Square faces have strong, wide foreheads and equally strong, wide chins. They are also proportionate in the length and width of the face.
  • Oblong and oval faces are very similar as well; they are both rounded and proportional, but an oval face has a more pointed chin.

Note that these face shapes could have strong angulated features especially at the temples and jaw, though a strong pointed chin is also an angular face. Rectangles, squares, hearts, and some ovals will fall into the angular category. Face shapes could also be soft and curvy. Round, triangular, oblong, and some ovals will fall into the softer, curvaceous category.



Emeka Boris Ama
Pearlmine Eyecare

Data Science, Machine Learning and Software Engineering