Amerikan, Do You Care?

4 min readJul 1, 2019


I write this solely from a strategical approach assuming that the average Amerikan, US Citizen has lost all morals and values for lives of those around them, different from them, and outside of this country. I cannot trust that the average Amerikan is human enough to take an ethical and moral approach to the issues and concerns of the rest of world because it is evident that this society and culture has taught us to be everything but such. There is no room for humanity within the Amerikan Society.

Amerikan citizens, we must overstand our political responsibility for the wellbeing of others outside of our borders; our political decisions domestically have worldwide implications, and we must become actively literate and present in the foreign policy of the United States as long as it remains as the world hegemonic structure. Citizens of this country do not have the right to ignore or continue with an ignorant point of view for the lives of those outside its borders and the impact it leaves on the world around us. Since the creation of this country, The United States of Amerika has quickly positioned itself as the law enforcement and judge of morality, democracy, and equality despite its lack of active enrollment and participation in international legal institutions and its own capabilities to uphold these empty principles domestically and internationally. If we genuinely value our democracy or at least the concept, we must take an active role in how our domestic politicians represent the values of its citizens internationally. So, I guess the biggest question is; what do you value outside of yourself? How much do you care about the lives of Syrians, South Sudanese, Venezuelans, Nigerians, Yemenis,… do you really care, Amerikan? No, you don’t because the truth of the matter is the government has created such a reality that there is no room within the mind of the Amerikan to care or see the necessity and connections between the policies and lives of the non-US citizens. There is no room in the life of the Amerikan to embrace or embody the same morality they have been taught to uphold, or this country claims to defend abroad.

There is no room in the mind of the Amerikan for the Mexican farmers and the toll of Barack Obama’s enforcement with NAFTA, but we got our liberal black president, a domestic historical moment. We got the black president that shared our music interests and, sometimes, mannerisms/dialect that also signed the Blue Law protecting law enforcement. We got a black president who continued with the military agenda with AFRICOM while also providing us with a healthcare plan that could have helped millions of citizens. The truth is: no matter who is in that chair there is a specific foreign agenda that must be followed for this country to function effectively. Our country operates best when nations look to us as the god with their necks under our boots. Can the Amerikan people, a land of individual beings of different races, classes, identities, and experiences, the country that prides itself as the epitome of justice and equality, move the boots? Can we change the role of the presidency abroad and have a foreign policy agenda that truly reflects the needs of the country’s we claim to be helping?

Idealistically, yes we could. The question and argument among many of us fighting for change is why we should. Furthermore, if we genuinely should, how? I will always propose that withdrawing support, withdrawing participation will still be the most effective strategy to push a government especially one with an absolute imbecile. The government can only function fully and effectively with our support, and when it comes to foreign policy, this country has thrived off the blind support and ignorance of the American people. The reason why the United States of Amerika has been able to succeed so well internationally (and domestically) is that the support by its people has been based on coercion and ignorance. The education system of the US relies so heavily upon meeting trivalent standardized test scores and centers only the white supremacist, capitalist culture of the nation. Therefore, our other effective strategic approach is education. Assata Shakur, so casually and consistently mentioned and chanted, said this. Education is necessary; it will be our most effective above ground approach to a productive and cohesive movement. We must educate the masses, but more importantly, we must educate the masses not only about the struggles here within this United States of Amerika, but the violence this United States of Amerika inflicts on our siblings all across the world. This answers to why should we care. Besides the morality of adopting such an understanding of self-awareness and consequences

As organizers, activists, and educators, we must connect the struggles of our siblings in other countries to our efforts here in the States. We must learn to be aware of the violence the USA military and government indirectly or directly facilitate in beyond these borders because these same tactics and actions will be used against in our own neighborhoods. Our “citizenship” does not protect us; in fact, I would argue that no black person American born or migrant has citizenship. No one is safe, and if we are not fully informed and aware of what’s going on around us, we will be helpless when they finally take away any light and promise for a possible future.




i dont take myself seriously most of the time. and i ain’t a writer